David Runk

Philipsburg, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Your Call Sign
How many years have you been performing QRQ CW
Last 45 years, CW OP only, (ham since '57), receiving speed about 45 WPM now!.. 73's Dave
What speed do you like to run QRQ CW
30-40WPM (lousy typist!!!!, workin' on it!!)
My musical ability (ex-USN woodwind musician) aids my CW!..ask Larry-K1ON, Steve-N4LQ, Carmen-K1LKP, or Ron-WB2JKL!!
Your favorite key, paddle or bug
My commercial AT keyboard, K40 & MFJ495 keyers! & Ughhh Vibroplex Bug!
Your favorite cw keyboard
Black commercial AT style " Targus" "Keyboard
Your favorite cw sending software
K40 & MFJ495 keyer with Keyboard and paddle, don't use a reader or CPU software!
Your Rig, Antenna and RF Power
New TT Omni 6+ and Centurion amp. (70w-500w) .
Your QSK preferences
Prefer QSK but like long QRQ rag-chews as well, no problem using either the TT Omni 6+ or TT Jupiter

Comment Wall:

  • Chuck aa0hw

    Hi David,
    Welcome to the site and thanks for joining the group here.
    Nice CW setup you got going there in your description and picture.

  • Brett Miller

    Upon looking you up in QRZ I notice you are now the owner of an Elecraft K3.  There is no mention of your old Ten-Tec gear.  It seems a lot of QRQ ops are going in the Elecraft direction and it looks like it's almost becoming the "new Ten-Tec".  I am the owner of a Jupiter (the old grey one) two Triton 540's and an Omni B.  Looks like I'll have to try an Elecraft sooner or later..hihi.