Nathan, KO6U


San Pedro, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Your Call Sign
Your favorite key, paddle or bug
CW Touch Paddle, Bencher Paddle, W5UXH Keyboard/Keyer
Your favorite cw keyboard
W5UXH Keyboard/Keyer
Your Rig, Antenna and RF Power
Omni 7, Wire Antennas, IC-2KL Amplifier with Array Solutions QSK-Master
Your QSK preferences
Full QSK!

Comment Wall:

  • Steve W9SN

    Hello Nathan. I just stumbled across this site from reading the mail of another QSO. This looks like a nice gathering of good CW ops. Steve
  • Atsu

  • Brett Miller


    I've heard good things about you from Chuck Broadwell!  It would be great to meet yet another QRQ op close to my age in addition to NV1B.  Hope we meet soon, on HF or TCP/IP.


    -Brett   KI4DBK