Jan Hattingh


South Africa

Profile Information:

Your Call Sign
How many years have you been performing QRQ CW
Feel a bit like an imposter in having obtained membership to QRQcw... I am a "wanna-be" QRQ operator and presently in training. Have idled along at 12 to 25 wpm since 1966. Only have time available now that I have retired and am making progress - slowly, but it is there....
What speed do you like to run QRQ CW
See above. Not there yet!
Your favorite key, paddle or bug
Best results with MFJ-564 paddle. Not perfect, but best manual speed obtained with it.
Your favorite cw keyboard
Tried out the MFJ-464 with paddle and keyboard, but need a lot more time to get up to speed - not too sure that it would be possible to get to acceptable QRQ speeds with it.
Your favorite cw sending software
Recently started testing Fldigi and found it a great aid to generate clean QRQ files to improve my receiving speed.
Your Rig, Antenna and RF Power
SWL only due to antenna restrictions in townhouse complex
Your QSK preferences
Not applicable at this stage...
Your favorite headphones or speakers for listening to cw
Used only standard Sony stereo headphones to date. Struggling to copy from speakers.

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  • Brett Miller

    Ok, just remembered you're QTH...a regular sked might be challenging for us.  This may be incentive for me to get in gear with my internet CW suite of apps.  Chuck will be happy!


  • Chuck aa0hw

    Hi Jan,

    Welcome to the website and thanks for joining.
    I wish you the very best on your current qrq training.

    I too LOVE FLdigi ! It has the best sound and one can
    "prune" to preference all the options available to shape the cw waveform.
    I also agree that headphones are much preferred for copying qrq...

    Thanks again for joining our group and
    enjoy your journey as you move up in your
    cw copy speeds....

  • Joe

    Welcome Jim. The sunspots have returned so we may be able to QSO via the ionosphere soon! Until then give iCW a look. Lots of fun and great for increasing code speed.


    Joe KH6/W3GW

    Maui, Hawaii