Patrick Henigin

71, Male

Winnemucca, Nevada

United States

Profile Information:

Your Call Sign
How many years have you been performing QRQ CW
What speed do you like to run QRQ CW
I cant run very well anymore
Your favorite key, paddle or bug
I used to have a vibroplex bug. It sure was pretty
Your favorite cw keyboard
noy this one
Your favorite cw sending software
Your Rig, Antenna and RF Power
Icom IC-720A

Comment Wall:

  • Chuck aa0hw

    Hi Patrick
    I just wanted to say howdy to you sir...and
    Thank you for joining the group !
    We look forward to getting to know you better.
  • Chuck aa0hw

    Hi Patrick
    In reference to your question about the interface...the sound card will just be able to supply enough energy to activate the interface circuit. You have to turn your sound card all the way up. The circuit rectifies the sine wave from the audio out of the sound card and stores that energy into the three capacitors. The stored postitive voltage goes through the 1k resistor to open the base of the keying transistor and throws the collector to ground, thus, turning on your rigs keying jack, or the PTT switch of your radio, if you are using FLdigi for AFCW mode.
    If you are going to use the interface for normal cw keying of your rig, make sure that you put two rf caps to ground at the junction of the 2ndary isolation xformer and the diodes, as the GOOGLE DOCS suggest. Otherwise, the RFI will be rectified and keep the switch open etc...