ATTENTION: all QRQcw OPs looking for an online qrq cw qso - we have a new iCW server devoted to QRQ CW operations

iCW now has a new PRO MUMBLE SERVER dedicated for QSO'n QRQcw over the internet

It is located in Denver, Colorado

Please see this iCW website for more information:

NOTE: the "NFO" QRQ MUMBLE server company that is being used has to this to say about the quality of their services:

"Most of our locations use pure INAP bandwidth. We chose INAP for its performance and reliability, and so have many other companies, including Microsoft, Alaska Airlines, Chase, Riot Games, and Sony. We buy directly from INAP, not through a reseller.

INAP gets its high performance by buying direct connections to many Tier 1 providers, such as Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, GTT/tinet, Verio/NTT, CenturyLink, and Telia, and choosing the best path to reach clients through a proprietary system called MIRO (tm) (Managed Internet Route Optimizer). MIRO makes frequent, automatic routing adjustments based on characteristics including latency, packet loss, and route stability, and it provides much higher performance than standard BGP methods."

Views: 407

Comment by Chuck aa0hw on August 12, 2018 at 8:26am

Here is a short VIDEO DEMO of the new iCW QRQ CW mumble server in operation with several QRQ CW ops operating and sending high speed morse code


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