extreme DATA RATE for an EXTREME NARROW BAND QRQ CW signal - on the ELF band - 12 hertz

using the ENB-CW method of  encoding/decoding

brief test to see how well using the ENB-CW method to transmit and receive 12 hertz ELF EMF - for RADIO COMMs of a 'THROUGH THE EARTH' Cave Radio Transceiver prototype

NOTE: not shown on video is the MIXER, that up-converts the 12 hertz ENB-CW carrier to a 782 hertz ENB-CW carrier... and then the ZAMGATE ENB-CW DECODER extracts the micro-embedded CW KEYING data off of the MICRO-MODULATED UP-CONVERTED carrier wave, and into the CW AUDIO NOTEs that you hear on this video demo...

HERE IS A SCREEN SHOT of the up-converted 12hz to 782hz CARRIER where you can see the CW KEYING DATA embedded onto the surfaces of the CARRIER WAVE: https://imgur.com/SBftsTn

for more info on EXTREME NARROW BAND CW, please see this playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfFan4sDonOf2O3s6PKh4fnDhEXrR...

this 12 hertz enb-cw was tested for its possible use as a THROUGH THE EARTH transceiver for a Cave to Surface/Surface to Cave RADIO system: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfFan4sDonOdYNelBw7UtQPfEBcrb...

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