Is Public WiFi blocking all ports when you want to QSO QRQ CW ? try Gstreamer TCP & Windscribe VPN for an online QSO

brief demo of using Windscribe's VPN service(free version) to be able to get through a public WIFI router that is blocking all ports...
ALSO at the same time, using Gstreamer TCP audio over ip, OPUS AUDIO CODEC pipelines to create a 2-WAY full duplex audio stream between the WiFi OP and another OP that is online trying to QSO with the OP using the blocked WIFI...

SETUP: a windows 10 laptop is using the Windscribe VPN service and routing all packets to Windscribe's DALLAS, TEXAS server...
another OP is in another state QSO'n with this VPN CWop...

the Gstreamer PIPELINE setup for the WINDOWS 10
RECEIVE CW on the windows 10 laptop using Windscribe VPN
gst-launch-1.0.exe tcpclientsrc host=(EXTERNAL IP ADDRESS OF other OP) port=3306 ! "application/x-rtp-stream, media=(string)audio, clock-rate=(int)48000, encoding-name=(string)OPUS, sprop-maxcapturerate=(string)48000, sprop-stereo=(string)1, payload=(int)96, encoding-params=(string)2, ssrc=(uint)2989232366, timestamp-offset=(uint)2753930973, seqnum-offset=(uint)2004" ! rtpstreamdepay ! rtpopusdepay ! opusdec ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! wasapisink

TRANSMIT CW from WINDOWS 10/VPN laptop - to the other OP
gst-launch-1.0.exe -v wasapisrc ! queue ! audioconvert ! opusenc bitrate=512000 ! rtpopuspay ! rtpstreampay ! queue ! tcpclientsink host=(EXTERNAL IP ADDRESS of other OP) port=5679

NOTE: this OP's router needs port forwarding to the PC that the OP is using...(which is port 3306 and port 5679)
ALSO- this OP is proving both the GSTREAMER TCP SERVER for the VPN OP's TRANSMIT and RECEIVE Gstreamer scripts...
so the VPN OP does not have to worry about any port forwarding on the public wifi router at their location(normally you can't open up ports on a public wifi router due to NETWORK SECURITY rules)

TRANSMIT CW to the WINDOWS 10 OP using the VPN
gst-launch-1.0 -v jackaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! opusenc bitrate=512000 ! rtpopuspay ! rtpstreampay ! tcpserversink host= port=3306

RECEIVE CW from the WINDOWS 10 OP using the VPN
gst-launch-1.0 -v tcpserversrc port=5679 host= do-timestamp=true ! "application/x-rtp-stream, media=(string)audio, clock-rate=(int)48000, encoding-name=(string)OPUS, sprop-maxcapturerate=(string)48000, sprop-stereo=(string)1, payload=(int)96, encoding-params=(string)2, ssrc=(uint)2952017322, timestamp-offset=(uint)2564696919, seqnum-offset=(uint)6031" ! rtpstreamdepay ! rtpjitterbuffer latency=900 ! rtpopusdepay ! opusdec ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! jackaudiosink buffer-time=900000

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