Raspberry PI software setup to key CW on an Elecraft K3 - recorded "LIVE" - CW QSO on 40 meters

This video highlights some of the top capabilities of the Raspberry PI 2b, to send a seperate LEFT and RIGHT channel audio signal to 2 different audio derived cw keying circuits in order to KEY the Elecraft K3's CW JACK for STRAIGHT KEY and IAMBIC PADDLES and to KEY the Elecraft's PTT & CW jacks in sequence when operating cw keyboard with FLdigi. NOTE: The FLdigi cw software setup on this Raspberry PI was previously shown on this video: https://youtu.be/14DuFInsioc

- we add STRAIGHT KEY and IAMBIC PADDLES on this video AND also demo GRIG, a remote control software for LINUX that can control the K3's frequency. The audio you are hearing is directly recorded from the HEADPHONE JACK of the K3...with the K3 SIDETONE MONITOR 'ON' .

NOTE:  Raspberry Pi 2b being used RASPBIAN JESSIE with the AUTOstatic repo's

the paddles and st key are brought into the mix by adding a 2nd USB SOUND CARD, just a USB MIC ADAPTER, where i have the audio output from my ULTRA PICOKEYER and a 555 CHIP attached. The audio outputs from both of these external CW KEYERS, send audio just like FLdigi does... to the Rigs CW JACK's audio derived cw keying circuits, which ground the RIG's CW JACK to transmit cw.(or ground the PTT first then the CW JACK when using FLdigi's RT CHANNEL QSK CONTROL PANEL)(The K3 VOX is 'ON' in order to allow the ST KEY and PADDLES to directly key the K3 without the PTT being activated first. see here for more info on the audio derived cw keying circuits: http://qrqcwnet.ning.com/forum/topics...

NOTE: the JACK AUDIO CONNECTION KIT is used in this demo...ALSO ...i am using the jack apps from the AutoStatic Raspbian repo's. See here:

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