Remote Rig/pi2b interface\\ REMOTE OP/pi4 station\\ RIG=ELECRAFT K3S/ AFCW QRQ CW Keying\\ LIVE DEMO

REMOTE AUDIO over ip by PYTHON/gstreamer/ pi2b TCP SERVER and pi4 TCP CLIENT to SEND transmit AFCW TO RIG and receive audio from RIG on the REMOTE

OPs pi4 station pi2b is using ALSA in the PYTHON SCRIPT AFCW KEYING SETUP - uses the RECRI KEYER cw and sdr apps

the Pi4 STATION is using a very low latency setup using 48Khz sample rate with 48 buffer frames/ 3 periods operates at near zero latency for monitoring your sidetone from your paddles or keys or keyboards in real time - the keyers are KEYING a TLC555 in this example at the pi4's input... it gets regenerated by an audio to midi app called TRIGGER MIDI MONO and TRIGGER MIDI MONO then keys the RECRI CW KEYER tones while delaying the sending of the CW tone by 18 ms to give the PTT tone enough time to fully get the rig into TRANSMIT before the CW TONE arrives at the rigs line input on LSB(afcw keying)

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