The Best FREE Morse code software CW Keyboard for a MAC - LiVE demo

using the CW KEYBOARD that is already loaded up on a Raspberry Pi4 on the local network using ssh -X via Xquartz for the mac


ssh -X into the pi,  bring up lxterminal,  migrate to the CW KEYER software APP FOLDER bin, by RECRI KEYER:

load the KEYBOARD GUI on the MAC DESKTOP with this command on the ssh'D pi4 lxterminal

cd keyer, cd bin, ./keyer kbd -grid 1

load sonobus VST on both the pi4 and the mac connect the pi4 keyboard output to the sonobus input and enjoy NEAR ZERO LOW LATENCY CW KEYBOARD OPERATIONS on the MAC

HERE is what the pi4 desktop looks like, with the CW KEYBOARD hooked up to the SONOBUS input

using this CW Keyboard on a MAC MiNi by { ssh -X } via the mac app Xquartz

pi4 is using JACK AUDIO CONNECTION KIT with the Catia Connection Bay

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