From: and
a free open source LINUX iambic morse code keyer designed by AD5DZ.
CONCEPT: activate 2 different MIDI NOTE MESSAGES by an external MIDI DEVICE connected to the computer's morse code software... dits are created by sending "MIDI NOTE 0" and dahs are created by sending "MIDI NOTE 1" to the iambic keyer software apps located inside JackRouter. At his website, he describes his own TEENSY BOARD, midi device, that he constructed...however in this video, instead of a TEENSY single board computer, two 555 timer chips are used and keyed individual by either the left or rt iambic paddle handle contacts to ground. The 555's send their tones into the left and right stereo mic jack inputs and then to the iambic software inputs... REAPER and REAGATE are used as an AUDIO VOLUME THRESHOLD TO MIDI NOTE output interface...if the 555 chip connected to the LEFT MIC INPUT jack is Keyed by the dit side of the paddles, the 555 sends an audio tone into the mic jack which triggers a midi note output for as long as the 555 audio volume is high enough to go just past the REAGATE GATE TRIGGER THRESHOLD setting...the midi note output being midi note ZERO, tells the iambic software to send dits for as long as the paddle handle and the 555 tone audio output is transmitted ...and the same goes for the dah paddle 555 etc...
KXstudio's Claudia APP, is used to get all the software apps together in one fell swoop...
The video shows all the software apps, and a live DEMO of them in action using real iambic paddles with some software audio analysis tools in order to visualize the spectrum analysis and SCOPE wave form shapes of the cw elements created by this software keyer.
The DIT paddle closes 555 PIN 4 and the 555 POS RAIL on the DIT 555 chip
The DAH paddle closes 555 PIN 4 and the 555 POS RAIL on the DAH 555 chip
the 555 OUTPUT tone quality or pitch does not matter since it is only being used for its audio volume to trigger the GATE THRESHOLD of the both REAGATE audio plugin channels on LINUX NATIVE REAPER.
NOTE: a Stereo MIC INPUT or STEREO LINE INPUT is required for this to work
Views: 476
Here is another setup for the AD5DZ iambic keyer that ADDs a STRAIGHT KEY too
From: and
a free open source LINUX iambic morse code keyer AND straight key designed by AD5DZ. (this video ADDs a straight key to the previous video's setup)(the AD5DZ cw keyer software already has the STRAIGHT KEY app included; another 555 is needed to send its audio output to a 3rd USB SOUND CARD LINE INPUT in order to activate REAGATE which via Audio Volume to MIDI NOTE OUTPUT, will key the ST KEY app - Key-Tone2 - uses MIDI NOTE ZERO)
CONCEPT: activate 2 different MIDI NOTE MESSAGES by an external MIDI DEVICE connected to the computer's morse code software... dits are created by sending "MIDI NOTE 0" and dahs are created by sending "MIDI NOTE 1" to the iambic keyer software apps located inside JackRouter. At his website, he describes his own TEENSY BOARD, midi device, that he constructed...however in this video, instead of a TEENSY single board computer, THREE 555 timer chips are used and keyed individual by either the left or rt iambic paddle handle contacts to ground PLUS the addition of a STRAIGHT KEY which will key the 3rd 555 into a 3rd LINE INPUT channel of the USB SOUNDCARD. The 555's send their iambic tones into LINE INPUTS 1 & 2 of the sound card and then to the iambic software inputs... LINUX NATIVE REAPER and its own plugin called REAGATE are used as an AUDIO VOLUME THRESHOLD TO MIDI NOTE output interface...if the 555 chip connected to the LEFT LINE INPUT jack is Keyed by the dit side of the paddles, the 555 sends an audio tone into the LINE INPUT jack 1 - which triggers a midi note output for as long as the 555 audio volume is high enough to go past the REAGATE GATE TRIGGER THRESHOLD setting...the midi note output being midi note ZERO, tells the iambic software to send dits for as long as the paddle handle and the 555 tone audio output are transmitted ...and the same goes for the dah paddle 555 LINE INPUT CHANNEL 2, and the straight key to LINE INPUT CHANNEL 3 of the USB sound card.
KXstudio's Claudia APP, is used to get all the keyer software apps together in one fell swoop...
The video shows all the software apps, and a live DEMO of them in action using real iambic paddles AND a straight key with some software audio analysis - a SCOPE app, with the wave form shapes of the cw elements created by this software keyer(THE BOTTOM CHANNEL of the SCOPE shows the Recri Keyers wavshape final cw audio output, the three upper scope channels show the original 555 square wave outputs from the 3 555 chips audio outputs to all 3 line inputs of the USB SOUND CARD(all three of the 555 chips are set to send a tone above 2khz, in order to help filter out low frequency noise from 60 hertz AC electric/magnetic fields - Reagate has a low pass/high pass feature shown in the video)
The DIT paddle closes 555 PIN 4 and its 555 POS RAIL on the DIT 555 chip
The DAH paddle closes 555 PIN 4 and its 555 POS RAIL on the DAH 555 chip
The ST KEY closes its 555 PIN 4 and its 555 POS RAIL on the ST KEY 555 chip
the 555 OUTPUT tone quality or pitch does not matter since it is only being used for its audio volume to trigger the GATE THRESHOLD of the all 3 REAPER input CHANNEL's FX REAGATE audio plugin.
NOTE: a usb sound card with multiple inputs is needed in order to have more than the normal 2 channel, LEFT and RIGHT inputs...(the sound card i am using in this video demo has 2 MIC/LINE INPUTS and 2 RCA JACK line inputs and 2 digital/optical inputs)(you could also use the native MIC/line input stereo jack of your computer's native soundcard, and then ADD a 2nd budget usb mic adapter/line input for the ST KEY)
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