QRQ CW NET on 40 meters - recorded LIVE from an Elecraft K3S on 4-03-2021
Here is some QRQ CW practice that lets you choose the speed you want to copy. 11 different CW signals on one youtube video audio output....use your soundcard SDR to demodulate from its VLF to your CW AUDIO
see video description notes on the youtube site for this video - for more info...
Here is a recording of a QRQ CW net on 40 meters, on 11-09-2021
(recorded by Audacity from an ELECRAFT K3s Receiver)
Here is a QRQ CW NET that took place on 40 meters on 11-30-2021
QRQ CW copy practice from a DIY Submarine ELF QRQ CW Transmitter:
Here is a recording from an Elecraft K3S Receiver, of a QRQ CW net on 40 meters that took place on 1-13-2022
Very good recording Chuck. If Jerry would have been just a bit louder it would have been perfect!
New online source for listening to QRQ CW QSO nets... check out the archive of QRQ CW "CRSnet"s here:
QRQ CW net on 80 meters & simulcast over SONOBUS on 8-3-2022 - REMIX from original & RE-recorded
original recording available here:
CRSnet.mp3 (Aug 03, 2022 11:47:29 UTC)
CW COPY by ear PRACTICE on the iCW Mumble Server -
29 speeds from 20 to 105 wpm - use SDR to choose
brief demo of sending 29 different VLF signals at 29 different speeds into ROOM 5 of the iCW Server's Mumble Room 5
a pi4 mumble client is using QUISK SDR to choose which signal to listen to (mumble output is sent to QUISK SDR input)(virtual audio cable, in this example snd-aloop alsa loopback cable is being used mumble sends out on alsa loopback cable hw:0,1 and and QUISK SDR input is picking up mumble's VLF output on alsa loopback cable hw:0,0)
unixCW's CW program is being used 29 times to send CW at different speeds in continuous repeat mode to the mumble input at 29 different VLF frequencies https://unixcw.sourceforge.net/
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