

Profile Information:

Your Call Sign
How many years have you been performing QRQ CW
19 years approximately
What speed do you like to run QRQ CW
45-70 wpm dependent on the keying characteristics I'm listening to........
Your favorite key, paddle or bug
Bencher BY-1 (not really)
Your favorite cw keyboard
Heath UltraPro
Your favorite cw sending software
Currently none
Your Rig, Antenna and RF Power
I'm currently running a Yaesu FT-100D with a 260' centre fed zepp (non resonant dipole), I usually run 85 watts.
Your QSK preferences
Basically run semi QSK....
Your favorite headphones or speakers for listening to cw
Telex procom 100 headphones and I also use a Radio Shack 5" patio speaker for general listening (very mellow)

Comment Wall:

  • Chuck aa0hw

    Thanks for joining up there RICK !
    please feel free to add some input if you like sir...
    i am going to try and add some pictures of my gear
    and maybe do some short write ups of my favorite
    cw gadgets i am just getting to know this site
    and have never tried being a webmaster before hihi
    so i think it will be a fun adventure to get some great content for qrq ops on here ....
  • Nathan, KO6U

    My first keyboard was a Heath UltraPro...unfortunately I sold it.

    Great keyboard - still used by a few ops I know.