I have enjoyed the recordings Chuck has made of the on the air QSOs of my fellow QRQ ops.

Lets get more of you on the air with your keyboards. Many of us do not have internet connections that allow good iCW QSOs. That leaves the ionosphere as our other option. I would encourage all you QRQers and  would be QRQers to get on the air. If you feel you are not up to it then use a code reader to keep up. I assure you that you will not need the code reader once you have spent a few months on the air. If you want to meet on the air, at whatever speed, email me and we can set up a sked. I have a J-38, a vibroplex bug, Bencher paddles, and a K1EL K42 with a keyboard all hooked up in parallel. I look forward to seeing you on the air.

Joe W3GW

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