Bob, W4NPX, gave us the sad news during the CFO net earlier this week that Jack, W6WXZ/Fresno, passed away a few months ago. Bob and Jack kept a nightly QRQ schedule on 7032 for years. I listened in many times from out here on Maui. When conditions were good, I could hear them on my Corsair. On other occasions, I could listen to them on Chuck's Icom if the frequency were set just right. I even called them one night after their sked, with me operating portable from Hana with my vertical on the beach, and they reported good copy. 

Andrew, NV1B, mentioned on the CFO website

that he had some tapes of these QSOs. Wouldn't it be great to get these tapes on the site so we could all listen in one last time.

Sad news.

Joe, KH6/W3GW 

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I am sorry to hear of the passing of Jack, W6WXZ. I used to talk with him in the late 50s and early 60s. I do remember of distinctive keying (electronic key, at that time) and his /Fresno at the end of his call sign. Jack was a very interesting person to talk and he had patience to talk with those who were a little slower on the key, so to speak. I heard him a lot since there was always a path to Fresno from Phoenix on 40. Lost track of him over the years but would would hear his signal from time to time when conditions were right. Jack was always an inspiration to improve my skills on cw. I will miss that distinctive call sign and rhythmic sounding cw.

Scott, N2ZEN


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