Imre Forro KV1I
  • Male
  • Gilmer, TX
  • United States

Imre Forro KV1I's Friends

  • Joseph L. Pontek, Sr.
  • Gabor Szekeres
  • Victoria Panagiotou

Imre Forro KV1I's Discussions

Remote station of AA0HW
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by i8cee -Salvatore Cecere Jul 8, 2010.

QSO via Chuck, AA0HW's remote station
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Joe May 29, 2010.

2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Joe Oct 16, 2009.

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Welcome, Imre Forro KV1I!

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Imre Forro KV1I updated their profile
Dec 2, 2023
Imre Forro KV1I commented on Imre Forro KV1I's photo


"I really like the super fine threaded contact screws, and that the locking screws are separate from the contacts screws. They are located on top of the columns. Screws down vertically. "
Dec 13, 2022
Imre Forro KV1I commented on Imre Forro KV1I's photo


"Thank you Chuck. I believe, this is the one I will keep forever. It is so easy to adjust and it stays in place. I don’t even have to use the lock screws. I can adjust it so close, it feels almost, like a touch paddle. I love it. Much better,…"
Dec 12, 2022
Chuck aa0hw commented on Imre Forro KV1I's photo


"SUPER SHARP LOOKING PADDLE YOU GOT THERE  IMI !   Congrats ! how do you like it compared to others you've used before ?"
Dec 12, 2022
Imre Forro KV1I posted a photo


ZN-9ZX Dual lever paddle
Dec 10, 2022
Imre Forro KV1I posted a photo
Nov 20, 2022
Imre Forro KV1I posted photos
Oct 14, 2022
Steve Steltzer commented on Imre Forro KV1I's video
Sep 25, 2022

Profile Information

Your Call Sign
How many years have you been performing QRQ CW
I've been practicing QRQ CW for 37years as of 2023
What speed do you like to run QRQ CW
I like to run at any speed, but mainly between 40-60 WPM
Your favorite key, paddle or bug
My favorite paddle is a ZN-9ZX dual lever paddle with magnetic tension by Tony, N3ZN
Your favorite cw keyboard
Your favorite cw sending software
Your Rig, Antenna and RF Power
My equipment is a Ten Tec Omni VII. Antenna is a EFHW-8010 LP. RF Power is 100 W
Your QSK preferences
Full QSK.
Your favorite headphones or speakers for listening to cw
it doesn't really matter for me.
What has been your most effective way of training practice, to copy and send qrq cw
Got on the air as much as I could.

Imre Forro KV1I's Photos

Imre Forro KV1I's Blog

Keyboard/keyer by W5UXH

I thought I would share this video with you guys.

I hope you will enjoy it.

73 Imi HA7AP

Posted on December 17, 2011 at 1:59am

Comment Wall (10 comments)

At 5:05am on October 17, 2008, Chuck aa0hw said…
Hi Imi
I wanted to welcome you
to the QRQcw site and
thank you for joining our group
At 5:10am on January 25, 2010, Carlo Consoli said…
Thanks IMI !
Regards and hpe to find you soon on air.
73 Carlo
At 5:29am on April 8, 2010, Atsu said…
hi Imi-san, nice too see you here.
I hope to hook up with you on the air soon.
At 6:19pm on November 21, 2010, Ken Jackson (G4KXG) said…
Hi Imi,

Nice to see you on here, I hope you are well.

Look forward to catching you on the bands soon,

73 Ken
At 3:33pm on July 3, 2011, Brett Miller said…
Imre:  Chuck showed me that video before.  I like the fact that it shows him using the Graciella then switching to the board for QRQ.  Very inspirational.
At 12:49pm on June 4, 2012, Rich Langford said…

Hi Imi,

Thank you for the call, I have heard you on the CFO net 12/20/2011, and look forward to meeting you on the air. At the moment I am finding it easier to read the faster cw than send it,  I am hoping to practise the keyboard and get my speed up,perhaps we will meet on the bands, 73 Rich G4FAD

At 6:59pm on June 8, 2012, Victoria Panagiotou said…

Hi Imi !

Just wanted to let you know that I'm coming closer here: hehe :-P

I still read from time your kind email, which always makes me smile and encourages me to keep practicing CW, dreaming to become QRQer :-)

As of MR, next target is to start feeling 270 QSOs a feasible goal. Have no idea if I will ever make it, but I won't stop trying !

I also see that you have a new key from UK. Looks beautiful !  I got a HST single-lever paddle one from Belarus. It has huge spacings and feels wonderful.

73 y muchos 88 para ti,

your MR fan,


At 1:08am on October 29, 2013, Joseph L. Pontek, Sr. said…

Thank you, Imi. I wish these storms would cease! Spent two days fighting water and no air time because of lightning and high QRN here.  I think they are moving on, but it may be this weekend before it calms down.

At 8:03pm on January 14, 2014, Andrew L. Freeman; nickname: Zed said…

Hey Imi,  Nice to see that you are a member here.  Looks like a bunch of my FB buddies are members too.  

At 1:59am on October 25, 2017, Joseph L. Pontek, Sr. said…

Hi, Imi.  I hope these doctors quit cutting on me soon.  When are you coming over here?  I am trying to get active here in NE Texas with a small antenna at the least.  QRP & QRQ not the bast combination, but will do what I can from here, son.  I have an FT-817ND and an OMNI 7  here and some wire in the apartment.

161, Dad.

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