Маrk Kelley
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  • Parker, CO
  • United States
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Маrk Kelley's Page

Profile Information

Your Call Sign
How many years have you been performing QRQ CW
I don't know what qualifies for QRQ CW. My guess is that 40 wpm is too slow. I would like to increase my speed.
What speed do you like to run QRQ CW
I would like to have a goal of 50-60 wpm for now. I want to set a reasonable, no pie in the sky for now!
Your favorite key, paddle or bug
Using a Bencher. Would like an iambic paddle with a heavier base.
Your favorite cw keyboard
Your favorite cw sending software
Your Rig, Antenna and RF Power
IC-7000, 20 meter doublet, 100W
Your QSK preferences
Semi or full / no preference
Your favorite headphones or speakers for listening to cw
Heil Proset

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Comment Wall (5 comments)

At 8:18pm on February 10, 2012, Joe said…

Welcome, Mark. Lots of good stuff on the website on increasing code speed. Get on the  nets with us. Fun and good practice. Aloha from Maui.

Joe, KH6/W3GW

At 9:53pm on February 11, 2012, Joe said…


The best program for increasing code speed is Fabian Kurz's 'QRQ' available for Windows from his website at:


His program includes the 3000 common English words that you can play at any speed and repeat any number of times. Chuck, AA0HW, who set up  this website has a video on how he uses 'QRQ' to build up his word vocabulary. He is putting the finishing touches on it for the website. Let's ask him if he would send it to you. 

One other practice technique I use is the program 'Fldigi' to make morse code Mp3 files from text taken from this website and elsewhere.  I follow Chucks, AA0HW, recommendation to remove all punctuation, using three spaces for commas and seven spaces for periods. I use text like Tom's, W4BQF, write up on how he increased his code speed to over 70 wpm at http://sites.google.com/site/tomw4bqf/copyingcwover70wpm. I have taken other text from this website on topics like the 'Chicken Fat Operators', 'QSK', and other QRQ and ham related topics. Getting rid of the punctuation really helps me focus on the words. I have included a sample text and it's mp3 file. Really great for my walks, sitting around the airport, waiting for my wife, or boring parties!

I describe how I use 'Fldigi' to do this at http://qrqcwnet.ning.com/forum/topics/how-to-make-mp3-files-for-qrq

I even wrote an article for CQ magazine on QRQ. It is available at


with the full text at http://qrqcwnet.ning.com/page/a-beginners-guide-to-qrq-cw

By all means, get in touch with Chuck, AA0HW. He is a great resource as is this website. Chick into the nets. Lots of fun and great practice.

Joe KH6/W3GW

At 7:28am on February 12, 2012, Chuck aa0hw said…

Hi Mark,

Here is a link to download a .wmv video tutorial (@32 megs) that I 

made recently that shows how to use FABIAN' s QRQ program for 

word training.  The video is a first attempt and needs some work, but I think

that it will be good enough to demonstrate FABIAN's program and how to set it up

to send a random list of words for whole word sound training at qrq speeds.


At 5:40pm on February 13, 2012, Chuck aa0hw said…

Hi Mark, I decided to add the video to the website on the front page and in the forum topic on Fabian's QRQ.

Here is the embed here for you too:

At 1:28pm on February 14, 2012, Joe said…

I agree, Mark. I don't think any of the QRQ guys could copy code groups at 100 wpm. In fact, I've heard that the operators who can copy call signs at phenomenal speeds using the program RufzXP http://www.rufzxp.net/ would admit to not being able to copy conversational code at the speeds they can copy call signs.

Fred, W3NJZ, has a nice article on his QRQ Odyssey that is well worth reading. You can see it at:



There is a ton of stuff on this website you will enjoy. Everyone thought CW would disappear after the code requirement was shelved, but from what I see and hear on the bands, lots of new and OT hams are still interested in the original digital mode!


Joe, KH6/W3GW

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