QRQ CW over 100 wpm - 121 wpm copy test - 700 hertz tone VERSES 821 hertz tone - which is better ?

brief demo of having 2 FLdigi(s) sending the same text file at 121 wpm...one FLdigi sending at the pitch of 821 hertz, the other sending at 700 hertz

there are a few QRQ CW OPS that can copy over 100 wpm that have reported in over the past years, stating that they prefer a higher CW PITCH when copying CW above 100 wpm...this short video demo, is given to test that concept...and see if other CW OPs that can copy above 100, would also agree, that it is slightly easier to copy cw over 100 wpm by ear, with a higher pitch than 700 hertz

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