Hi, Guy's
I've had a QSO over the internet with Chuck, AA0HW and Thom, K8IF
It was an excellent experience, although my keyboar sendings limited! to max about 30 wpm :-)
but i could copy their 60 wpm pretty solid :-).
I really like to see more of you guy's there, no qrm, qsb etc at all it's just perfect!
and at least live qso's.
I think, that this way the practice is much more accurate then just lsn to some mp3 file.
I hope more of you guy's will join this program, and will hear some more CFO, FOG guy's too.

My best regards
Imi HA7AP 73/DX

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I agree with Imre, it was a good qso with Chuck also there, and the audio was very good.
It would be great if more of you guys could join us online for iCW. Chuck has put a tab
up for iCW with some instructions. He's put a lot of work into it so far, and it's coming
together now. Takes a little time to setup, but it's worth it. We also have up there
NV1B Andrew, and last night I worked Hawaii! Joe W3GW from Maui is now on too.
Check it out!
K8IF Thom Davis


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