Gilles Pepin
  • Male
  • Deschambault, Quebec Prov.
  • Canada

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  • Michel Duquette

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Gilles Pepin's Page

Profile Information

Your Call Sign
How many years have you been performing QRQ CW
What speed do you like to run QRQ CW
40/45 WPM Ragchewing everyday on 80 or 40M
Can work up to 60 wpm with Vibroplex paddle (No Keyboard)
Your favorite key, paddle or bug
Modified Vibroplex twin paddles serial 47513 on which i removed the springs and fixed 2 adjustable magnet. Once set near zero on the pivots it perfomed (hardly) up to 60 WPM but it was over the limits of the paddle. The levers are too long, weight too much and the holding screw to hold the pivots set is archaic. So I bought a BEGALI SIGNATURE magnrtic paddle and put the plastic red finger pieces on the Begali and cured many problems. The Begali limits must be 100 WPM. Conclusion for QRQ CW you cannot build a F1 car with a Honda Civic.
If I send an error it will be my fault, not the paddle any nore. All keys have QRQ limits ans some very low, it goes with the price same like most everything. So I will keep my Begali Signature as long as i live . Thanks..
Your favorite cw keyboard
None yet
Your favorite cw sending software
None yet
Your Rig, Antenna and RF Power
Yaesu FT-990 and Yaesu FT-690 AT
40 meter Cushcraft, 2 el Beam XM 240 at 50' Outboard Crank up Modified DMX 48' Tower--------------Also Inv V at 45' on 80/30 Meters
Power 1000 Watts from Ameritron AL-572
Your QSK preferences
Don't use QSK
Your favorite headphones or speakers for listening to cw
Sony Headphone
What has been your most effective way of training practice, to copy and send qrq cw
Practice. Practice to copy mentally every day and using CW Powder (simply talc powder on index and thumb to prevent fingers sticking on the paddles and working on the paddles to upgrade their limits.

Paddles for QRQ CW

After working with Vibroplex paddles (2) for 35 years, on which i made many modifications to upgrade them for QRQ. I relocated the springs on one halfway to the pivots for smoothness. Then I had to install bypass wires because conductivity originally  passed thru the springs (Not a good idea with very low  tension) and put 4 gold contacts. It worked better on QRQ but I was not completely satisfied.

Then I removed the 2 springs on a second one and installed 2 brackets with magnets.

This one was  far better and could work up to 60 WPM. But I could not retain the near zero on the pivots and had to readjust often to keep it sharp.It was very smooth whith fine pivot setting but the locking screw on the thread is not the best idea.

Tired to work on the Vibroplex to keep QRQ without paddle errors, I ordered a BEGALI Signature with gold contacts. First I could not get familiar with the finger pieces, so  I installed the 2 Vibroplex red fingers and that was all I  needed to work QRQ.

Now I cannot attribuate the errors on the paddles because the speed limit is way over most anything I worked with.

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Comment Wall (3 comments)

At 5:08pm on March 6, 2011, Chuck aa0hw said…

Hi Gilles,

Welcome to the website and thank you for joining our group.

Thats some amazing work at 60 wpm with your Vibroplex paddle !

Interesting improvements you have made to it might have to tell us more

about that story...!  sounds like it would make a good blog article here on the stie !





At 7:32pm on March 6, 2011, Joe said…
Gilles bienvenu. J'espère que vous aimez le site Web.

The sunspots are increasing. I look forward to a QSO with you on the bands. Take a look at iCW. Great way to stay in touch and practice QRQ CW!


Au revoir.


Joe, KH6/W3GW

Maui, Hawaii

At 10:26am on June 10, 2015, Ron Smith said…

Thanks for the reply Gil, love CW and just getting lots of opinions B-4 I get a new key.  I also like everything I see and read about the signature.


Ron N7RD

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