I read that Fred Ryan, W3NJZ, wrote an article for the Keynote, issue 3, 2004, entitled 'Sending High Speed Code'. Any chance Fred could post a copy for us?
Permalink Reply by Joe on January 6, 2009 at 2:33pm
Thanks Chuck.That must be it.
I am patiently waiting for the sunspots to pick up. Kinda quiet out here on Maui!
I have been spending my time, during the sunspot low, working on my code speed. I have noticed one thing that, I believe, you and others have mentioned on the site. There seems to be a plateau between 50 and 60 wpm. I suspect this plateau is the result of our having to learn 'word sounds'. I was doing well with 40 wpm and decided to increase Rufz to 60 wpm in an attempt to avoid the 50 to 60 wpm plateau. Well, I didn't make much progress. I dropped the Rufz speed to 50 wpm and made progress daily. Trying to skip a plateau didn't work for me! There doesn't seem to be a substitute for patience, practice, and slow progress.
Joe. When you load those common words into the RUFZ, You will notice that some words probably will never show up in a QRQ QSO. You can substitute words likely to be in QSOs for those odd words in the list. Words like, doctor, antenna, keyboard etc.
Bob, That is an excellent idea !
I wonder if we can find a ready made list of the top HAM RADIO words in the format for RUFz ...
we can add that list to the RUFz section of the site for download ...