Hi, to All!

I've been practicing CW since 1981, since then i felt in love with telegraphy.

I am a member of quite a few high speed telegraphy clubs, and quite active
on all hf bands.

Unfortunately for the last few years the conditions on hf is very poor, and
it's very hard to make solid contacts even with eurpoean statios, because of
heavy QRM QRN QSB or just because of the poor condx.

Now a days I experiencing, that there is less and less QRQ ops on the band from EU,
and I can't even dream of having qso wit guys from US, because of the limitation of my
antenna system have no linear amplifier and also because of the conditions on the bands.

There is only a handfull of people from Germany and Italy who are still active on the bands,
and i have the opportunity to ragchew with them.

I am searching on the internet a lot, and i've find W4MQ's remote base station too
which is not bad, but still having difficulty to produce a perfect cw qso.

I have to tell you, that my keyboard skills are less then bad:-))) I'm good only with paddles
using a vibroplex iambic deluxe paddle i can go up to 60wpm.

I am practicing RUFZ, Morse runner CW freak these programs are good for increasing
one's contest skills, but there is an other program called G4FON cw copy practice, one
can copy any kind of file in to text and paste it in to G4FON's text file.
It could be New York times or all kind of ham related or any other stuff, and one can
increase the speed from 9 up to 80 wpm great copy practice.

All in all I've been find the perfect program for high speed telegraphy ops
it's called CQ100 invented in Canada.
It is free for 90 day's then have to register 32 bucks for one full year, all they need is a copy of
your ham radio licence.

I am using this program for the 2nd year now and very satisfied with,
The audio quality is more then perfect either on cw or ssb.
One can use keyboard or paddle's either way it can produce a perfect signal.

I have had a bunch of qso with a lot of guys, from all over the world allready
including CFO ops.

The bands are not crowded yet, but i hope that it's just a matter of time.
There is a few very great high speed ops working there from time to time.

The program itself looks like a real radio gear it works from 80m to 10m cw and ssb.

All i wanted to say is, if the real hf conditions are ain't that good this program would worth
a try, and it ain't cost anything for 90 day's and one can work either domestic or dx :-))

My best regards
Imre Forro

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Sounds like a great idea !
Thanks for suggesting it and for telling us how good the features of the program do for QRQ cw.
Do you know who some of the other high speed ops are that use CQ100 on a regular basis besides yourself ?
Hi, Chuck!

I tried to remember a few of the qrqcw ops, here it gose : VE2FKZ W8KV W4KD SP3CW
KA1DYE N9PR these are the guys i meet them often.

Unfortunately you won't find huge pile ups or anything on cq100, but my intention is
to increase and gethering together more and more qrqcw ops.

Since I've find this site i read all the messages from ops, and their problem mostly is that they
can't brek through poor propagation.

People having problem to shoot through east coast to west coast or from hawaii to
east coast etc etc.

All in all it would be a great program for having solid qso's with eachother all over the world.

All we need to do is let the people to know about it.

My best regards
HA7AP 73/dx Imi
I have been trying to find a means of getting back on the air. Living in this condo makes it really difficult to operate due to antenna and transmitting device restrictions. I'll receive an instant fine if caught which doubles for the next infraction and then they really go after you. So, i saw this dicussion a couple weeks ago and looked into it and now am back on cw. It might not be exactly what i had in mind but it works and i'm quite happy about being able to operate once again. Thank you Imre for posting this and helping me get back on.
I used to live in an apartment complex, Bill, so I know what you are faced with. Here on Maui, we live in a house with no outside antenna allowed. I put up a loop under the eve of the our two story, wood frame, house and feed it directly to a transmatch with pretty good results on 80 through 10. I run less than a 100 watts to avoid RFI. So far, so good. One option I tried years ago was mobile operation on cw. I would drive to the seashore or lakefront and put up my vertical with good results on higher frequencies. A second option would be to try some of the remote stations that can be accessed on the internet. You can find more information at http://www.w4mq.com. There are some other web based transcievers out there but I don't know if they can be used for high speed CW. QRP is always a great option and will become even more fun when we get into the current solar cycle. You can load up the bed springs on 10 meters and get out when the sunspots are up! Maybe some of the other folks on this site will have some suggestions.

Joe KH6/W3GW


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