I have been keeping on the air skeds with some old masters of QRQ for a while. I would encourage anyone interested in QRQ to get on the air with a like minded soul. While I do use my mp3 files and Fabians 'QRQ' program for practice, there is nothing like an on the air QSO to challenge my receiving and sending skills. ICW is a blast but not all of us have a good enough internet connection to use it without losing so many packets we have to revert to our 'Wheel of Fortune' skills to fill in the blanks! Lets get more QRQ ops and want to be QRQ ops on the air! My recommendation would be to start at a speed both ops are comfortable with and then gradually increase the speed.

Joe W3GW

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Hi Joe,

I have done the same thing here I get on with my pal Sandy G0VQW twice a week on 80M and have a good run of fast Morse. When we started we were at 30 wpm and now run up to 55/60 but it is not good Morse. We call the net the QSD net and if you take a look at my QRZ page  there is a video of us having a good old rag chew.  The cw has plenty of errors but good fun. I also chat to the guys on iCW what a boon that is for getting the speed up, a big thank you to Chuck W5UXH and Chuck AH0AA for setting that up and all the Qs over the years, 73 Rich G4FAD.. 


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