iCW - internet CW - 2 mp3 iCW files included, QRS & QRQ

Send CW with high fidelity CW audio tones over the internet using
free software. Full, fast QSK, with the ability to QSO 1 to 100 other iCW OPS.
This technology allows always on, full, two way communication. You can always
hear 100 percent of the time on receive, even while you are sending CW,
allowing others to break in on you for excellent conversational morse code communications.

We have started a new google groups discussion for iCW - internet CW.
Please feel free to drop by and take a look and join if you like.
Here is the link to the iCW google groups page:
iCW - internet CW
Visit this group

We have a 12 out of 12 success rate so far in getting iCW setup and running !


A preview of the instructions can be viewed on the iCW TAB on the menu header above on this site, or at the google groups site. We could use a few more alpha testers to help us out. If you have any questions or run into any snags in getting your iCW working, please visit us on our google groups page and we will try to help you.

Thanks !

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I had my very first QRQ CW contact last week using iCW. Surprisingly, I have noticed my comprehension and typing have improved in just the past week following furthur QSOs with Chuck, AA0HW, and Thom, K8IF. My usual routine is to practice each day using Rufz and then listen to my ebook2cw tapes while walking around Maui with the XYL. Today, after a great session on iCW with Chuck and Thom, I found my comprehension of my 65 wpm tapes had improved greatly. I guess the concentration required to actually communicate with someone ramps up the adrenalin enough to move one along the road to comprehension quicker than the passive experience of listening to a tape over and over again. For anyone hesitant to join in, I would encourage you to take the plunge. Chuck and Thom are experienced QRQ operators and very patient with newcomers. Don't be shy. The software is free so jump in!

Without spending alot of time wading through all these programs can you tell me if i can use my existing cw keyboard. Is there a way to just pipe in my sidetone. I don't have any interest in FLDIGI at this time. Perhaps in the future i'll consider going that route but i'm happy with my Curtis keyboard right now. Thanks, Bill
Hi Bill,

I have just tested an ALPHA VERSION of a simple circuit that uses another FREE piece of software called Dahdihdah to send morse code over iCW. Here is a screen shot of Dahdihdah:

So...instead of keying your RIG with your CURTIS KEYBOARD...

you can key iCW with a simple circuit and the Dahdihdah program,
Dahdihdah transforms the incoming CW KEYING from your keyboard and regenerates a well constructed sine wave CW note with Dahdihdah's own software. You can use whatever settings you desire by adjusting those parameters on the Dahdihdah front screen as you see above. We use the "straight key" mode and the circuit interface shorts together the CTS pin and the SIGNAL GROUND pin of the COM PORT 1 cable, duplicating exactly the dots and dashes of your CURTIS KEYBOARD.

The reason it does not work very well to inject the audio out of your sidetone generator into the MIC IN or
LINE IN jack of your computer, is that too much noise and hissing and many times 60 cycle HUM are generated and the quality of the cw tones are usually not very good...also most keyers have sidetones with sharp edges and square wave harmonics. Using Dahdihdah and sending the SINE WAVE CW TONES generated by Dahdihdah into the iCW transmit software array, produces first of all no noise and no hissing or 60 cycle hum like it does using the MIC IN jack or LINE IN jack...
and second of all the Dahdihdah program constructs a nice sine wave cw note with about 4 to 5 ms rise/fall time at any pitch that you desire.

If your keyer does produce sine wave rasied cosine edges cw notes, it might work "OK"...but since each
iCW OP has their xmit button on all the time, the hissing from anyone using the LINE IN and MIC IN jack will send that HISSING and any other soundcard NOISE to everyone listening....in practice this makes for less than desirable reception for everyone.

We have two iCW OPS who are willing to do all the work for anyone who wants to try iCW and we will install all the software and adjust all the settings on your computer via a remote control desktop FREE program called CROSSLOOP. We have already done this for one HAM and it only took a few mins to adjust all the settings and get him up and running with iCW.

I will have an article up on the iCW GOOGLE GROUPS site soon with instructions on how to make a simple circuit to use your own keyer and keyboard/paddles to send morse code over iCW.

Thank you very much for your interest in iCW

Here is a short mp3 file that I recorded using the circuit and software described above.
(I was using my k1el k40 keyer, paddles & keyboard, interface circuit, serial port cable)

You can hear how it ultimately sounds after going through all the stages of operation:
1. you send CW with your keyer/paddles/keyboard
2. it keys the interface circuit and shorts two pins of the COM 1 cable connected to your computer
3. Dahdihdah reads this input, converts it to CW AUDIO and sends it to the virtual software sound card
4. Mumble is listening on the virtual software sound card for any audio and sends it out to everyone else
Include some info on USB connections. Most pc's don't use com ports anymore. My laptop surely doesn't. Thanks for the info
You bring up a great point Bill.
Radio shack does has a USB to SERIAL adapter that is pretty cheap and they are
available elsewhere, although I am not sure what the "best" one is....but one other Ham has used them for QRQ CW sending to his ICOM RIG and it worked very well.

I will investigate other options using USB and get back to you on this...

Thanks for your input Bill.


Thanks for the info. chuck. I decided to give fldigi a try but hit another roadblock when Wondershare wouldn't install on my laptop. I now see they don't support vista(64 bit). So i guess i'll step back for awhile and see what develops. I think i'll try fldigi on hf and see how i like it as compared to my curtis keyboard. I bought a MS comfort curve keyboard and it's going to take alot of time to get used to this layout. Right now i'm typing gibberish.
Ok Bill...sorry that wondershare won't work on your vista 64....i will have to add that to the iCW instruction set...thanks for pointing that out,

If you have another soundcard, you can still do iCW easily...although there are a few more settings to adjust ...the 2nd sound card would be just to listen to the cw audio from everyone else... and you will send your cw using your motherboard sound card(less delay) instructions are included on that google docs file...

it works just as well and actually has less delay, but costs money to buy another USB headphone, or USB sound card... etc...for receiving only...

When you send cw with FLdigi to key your rig, remember that you will have to build a circuit that will rectify the audio from FLdigi out of your soundcard and convert that to an ON/OFF signal to key your rig through its KEY JACK... works great and in the qsk section of this site there are quite a few circuits to choose from.

On the keyboard that you bought, i have really become fond of this comfort curve keyboard, but like anything, each person will have their own opinion of "what is best" ...but for 20 bucks...at least no one is out too much if they don't like it...

I like ergonomic keyboards that keep your wrists in good shape...means many more years of QRQ cw typing...: )
I had a mental block on that 2nd audio card. For some reason i never thought of an USB card. I will look into that this week. I already bought the isolation xfmr for the keying circuit so i'll give that a try also. This is a great site that has helped me quite abit getting back into cw after so many years QRT.
Also take a look at the USB HEADPHONES/HEADSETS
There is enough volume on MUMBLE (which goes to 200 percent) to
turn the volume all the up; then you can adjust the volume on the USB HEADPHONES control to set the level to your liking.
Although there is a mic on most of them, you can usually move it out
of the way when you are not using it...these are supposed to be
good for VOICE over the internet too ...ie SKYPE...so you
can also use these USB HEADSETS for that ...etc...
There are many types and prices....
here is a picture of one type:



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