QRQ CW 'copy by ear' PRACTICE via an online RADIO STATION(mp3) and via iCW MUMBLE(OPUS) - LIVE DEMO

brief testing and comparing MP3 to OPUS from a CASTER.FM free online Radio Station setup and the iCW MUMBLE Server/client setup

a Raspberry Pi 4 is doing the transmitting to both MUMBLE INPUT and the RADIO STATION INPUT

unixCW is providing the APP to send repeating text files at different speeds and at different VLF FREQUENCIES, sends them to 2 alsa loopback cables, the sub-channels, all 8 of them... total of 16 signals at different VLF frequencies and cw speeds

the RECEIVER is using QUISK SDR which isolates and demodulates/converts the VLF to normal CW AUDIO NOTE: white noise was added to the audio for HF BACKGROUND STATIC emulation

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