Chuck aa0hw

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  • Alex - PA1FOX
  • David Runk
  • Victoria Panagiotou
  • Art Williams
  • Michel Duquette
  • Stephen Jay Victor
  • Bill Hunt, WA8OKR
  • Wally Maxwell
  • Ben

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Chuck aa0hw posted a blog post

Practice COPYing CW with this Python CW Keyboard(by GROK3 & GPT4)

Python CW KEYBOARD(by GROK & GPT) for CW COPY PRACTICE- pick a text file to send - copy/paste into the TEXT AREA Of the CW KEYBOARD- click on SEND MORSE CODE button on the GUIuse options for: *CW PITCH, *SPEED, *spacing between words, & *element weight to customize how you want to hear it...features a RAISED COSINE EDGE for rise/fall- a highlight that surrounds/tracks/follows each word being sent- hit any number key to go back that many words to repeat any previous words that were not…See More
Chuck aa0hw commented on Chuck aa0hw's blog post QRQ CW over 100 wpm - tips, techniques and specialized QRQcw GEAR
"QRQcw experiment in high "Q" systems to adapt to low power Transmit DiTs due to high Rise/Fall times The high speed of this extreme QRQqCW test(175 wpm) test to see what can be done to increase the TRANSMIT power of the dits, since the…"
Apr 5, 2024
Chuck aa0hw commented on Chuck aa0hw's blog post Interrupt Modulated(IM) QRQ CW Mode - Live demo on the VLF band
"Here is an example on the HF BAND of imCW MODE"
Mar 29, 2024
Chuck aa0hw posted a blog post

Interrupt Modulated(IM) QRQ CW Mode - Live demo on the VLF band

Interrupt Modulated(IM) QRQ CW Mode transmitting and receiving digital information using an analog carrier where the required bandwidth is limited to approximately the frequency of the analog carrier signal. The method is called interrupt modulation and consists of interrupting an un-modulated carrier signal so the interruptions correspond directly to the [CW]digital information to be transmitted. (encode/decode by Reagate sidechain in ducking mode plugin) BASIC CONCEPT SETUP: TRANSMITTER a CW…See More
Mar 28, 2024
Chuck aa0hw commented on Chuck aa0hw's blog post DiY TWiN COiL FERRiTE ROD VLF band RX Antenna - QRQ CW RX test - built from C. CRANE's TWiN COiL google patent info
"here is another example of FERRITE ROD antennas for both TRANSMIT and RECEIVE on the VLF BAND brief demo of using two custom Ferrite Rod antennas for TRANSMIT & RECEIVE over Through The Earth CW Comms on the VLF band @ 6469hz The Transmit…"
Mar 25, 2024
Chuck aa0hw posted a blog post

rEvErSe iMaGe CW mode FiGHTS BACK against packet loss during an OPUS CW AUDIO over iP Morse Code QSO

USING rEvErSe iMaGe CW(riCW) MODE to minimize AUDIO GLITCHEs from poor internet performance with lots of packet dropouts...using an riCW encoder & riCW decoder the riCW encoder injects silence into an audio carrier to represent each CW ELEMENT, the riCW decoder is using CW REGENERATION to convert the silent CW ELEMENTs received into new CW AUDIO TONEs with user adjustable rise/fall time edges riCW encoder & decoder via DUCKING MODE on a REAGATE SIDECHAIN GATE plugin     …See More
Mar 23, 2024
Chuck aa0hw commented on Chuck aa0hw's blog post attention POTA SOTA OPs: save 90 percent battery drain on transmitter PA by using a Pulse Density Modulated CW(PDM-CW) Generator by chatGPT C CODE - Live DEMO @30wpm
"Here is another example of Pulse Density Modulated CW(PDM-CW) Pulse Density Modulated CW, 50 μS pulse every 30ms for duration of each CW ELEMENT, VLF band example save battery drain for portable operations; this test was at 28kHZ for Through…"
Mar 22, 2024
Chuck aa0hw posted a blog post

Remote laptop station keying QRQ CW on Rig over LAN using NETJACK 2: using a pi2b Remote RIG interface

ultra-LOW latency REMOTE RIG CW OPERATIONs from a remote laptop on the local area 'wired' network, through router & switches using the NETJACK 2, setup demo from this video: CW KEYER APPs used were from RECRI KEYER: More
Mar 21, 2024

Profile Information

Your Call Sign
How many years have you been performing QRQ CW
about 24 years
What speed do you like to run QRQ CW
between 60 - 110 wpm
Your favorite key, paddle or bug
I have a MERCURY paddle
Your favorite cw keyboard
I like the MICROSOFT COMFORT CURVE 2000 for typing cw
Your favorite cw sending software
FLdigi, YPLog & the AD5DZ software CW Keyboard
Your Rig, Antenna and RF Power
Elecraft K3S, 100 foot each leg of a dipole about 25 feet high
Your QSK preferences
Full QSK
Your favorite headphones or speakers for listening to cw
Closed back headphones
What has been your most effective way of training practice, to copy and send qrq cw
using FABIAN's QRQ app for sending random words and using a variable cassette player to listen to CW TAPES made by FABIAN's EBOOK2CW app


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Chuck aa0hw's Blog

Practice COPYing CW with this Python CW Keyboard(by GROK3 & GPT4)


- pick a text file to send - copy/paste into the TEXT AREA Of the CW KEYBOARD

- click on SEND MORSE CODE button on the GUI

use options for: *CW PITCH, *SPEED, *spacing between words, & *element…


Posted on February 26, 2025 at 1:20pm

Interrupt Modulated(IM) QRQ CW Mode - Live demo on the VLF band

Interrupt Modulated(IM) QRQ CW Mode transmitting and receiving digital information using an analog carrier where the required bandwidth is limited to approximately the frequency of the analog carrier signal. The method is called interrupt modulation and consists of interrupting an un-modulated carrier signal so the…


Posted on March 28, 2024 at 9:49am — 1 Comment

rEvErSe iMaGe CW mode FiGHTS BACK against packet loss during an OPUS CW AUDIO over iP Morse Code QSO

USING rEvErSe iMaGe CW(riCW) MODE to minimize AUDIO GLITCHEs from poor internet performance with lots of packet dropouts...using an riCW encoder & riCW decoder the riCW encoder injects silence into an audio carrier to represent each CW ELEMENT, the riCW decoder is using CW REGENERATION to convert the silent CW…


Posted on March 23, 2024 at 8:00am

Remote laptop station keying QRQ CW on Rig over LAN using NETJACK 2: using a pi2b Remote RIG interface

ultra-LOW latency REMOTE RIG CW OPERATIONs from a remote laptop on the local area 'wired' network, through router & switches using the NETJACK 2, setup demo from this video:…


Posted on March 21, 2024 at 8:52am

555 harsh raspy square wave CPO output to PURE SINE WAVE shaped CW NOTE output CONVERTER: REAPER DAW

using native plugins in REAPER DAW, to create a CW Regeneration "RE-KEYER"...- takes a harsh/raspy square wave input from a 555 keyed CPO output, over to the MIC INPUT(green wave on scope) and converts it into a shaped sinewave CW note output, with raised cosine edges, using 3 reaper plugins: Tone Generator, ReaGate,…


Posted on March 8, 2024 at 8:54am — 1 Comment

Comment Wall (40 comments)

At 3:49pm on February 4, 2008, Rick said…
Good site idea and I hope it takes off, I will do my part to generate interest in it........
At 2:44pm on October 5, 2008, Fritz Zwingli said…
Hi Chuck,
many tnx for the kind words.
Congrats on your fb site and hope
to meet you on the air soon.
Vy73 es gd qrq`ing
At 8:16pm on December 15, 2008, Bill Kramer said…
Hi Chuck. Thanks for the warm welcome. I don't know exactly when i'll be up and running from here. I have a few problems to workout first. I'm in a condo on the top floor(3rd) with 220 other units here. I face a courtyard and my balcony can bee seen my many others. This condo has antenna restrictions etc. so i'll have to run in the stealth mode. We will see what happens..Maybe a indoor 40 mtr loop?? Hope to catch you on the air.73's
At 6:10am on May 12, 2009, Patrick Henigin said…
Chuck I am trying to promote CW right here in my own home.
I have ordered parts for an interface as described on page
I think you wrote that page. It looks pretty basic. I am not sure where the positive voltage is applied, or what voltage it is run at. Or is the sound card supposed to supply enough power to run the circuit?
73 Pat N6ZEM
At 8:36am on September 9, 2009, mwm said…
HI Chuck

Tnx for the welcome as well as the back ground info on the CW IRLP project. I hope to meet up with you guys on that mode down the road.

At 1:00pm on November 23, 2009, David Runk said…
Thnks Chuck, got a ways to go on typing but 30-40wpm is FB! to get really serious!!! -73, Dave,aa3ej
At 11:56pm on January 1, 2010, KIT DEAN said…
Hi Chuck,

Yes I am presently training to improve my QRQcw copy. I use JustLearnMorseCode and MRX, as well as converting text lists of the 6800 most common words by means of ebook2cw. ( I can copy 24-27 wpm (using 41-44 wpm letters) using a computer keyboard. I spent the last two days trying to get CWirc and CWCOM to work on Windows and was just about to sign on with QSOnet when I found your site, which may be more what I am looking for. I would like to be able to head copy 36 WPM without error, and would dearly love QRQ at 50-70 wpm.) I was licensed in 1960 as a Novice and then in 1976 as an Advanced, and 1984 as an Extra passing the 20 wpm code test. I let my license lapse as I went back to school and was recently relicensed in January of 2009. I had a Yaseu FT101 and this year acquired two HW16's in anticipation of working more CW,

I downloaded the newest fldgi, Mumble and Wondershare. Thank you for putting the instructions for installation in a couple of places and formats, as this allowed me to setup and configure these software apps. Can you tell me which IRC channels are hosting qrqcw conversations, and if this setup is also used by others to work code on the chat channels.

AC0NR (formerly AA6AS)
At 8:49am on January 2, 2010, KIT DEAN said…
Hi Chuck,
I have not been able to make CWirc work in Windows: it needs to have to be compiled in python or delphi so that the xchat that has been ported to windows can pick it up inside of xchat as a recognizable plugin.

I obtained the 6815 most common words from a website. This is a 'magic number' of words, since it is approximately 95% of all words used. (As you are already well aware) word usage varies depending on whether we are talking about all television scripts, or all novels, or all English usage per the big big Oxford dictionary. But this list should be nearly everything.

I have stayed away from chat rooms since 1994 when it became clear that these were largely unregulated or that there could be harm done to my computer. Because of that, it is somewhat difficult to be aware of the logon procedures etc. So I would really appreciate a really elementary list of how to log on and where to go etc. It seems we could open a IRC channel as #qrqcw_mumble and begin qso'ing. Also, I am lost as to where the main iCW website would be as I only found 11 messages on googlegroups. So I need some pointers.

I got out rufzxp again last night. I am at 46 wpm letters and I think I should just practice for about 2 hours per day. It seems that if I go with faster than 46 wpm letters I miss too much, so it may be my brain is breaking down the communication into dots and dashes. Any advice would be appreciated.

At 2:17pm on January 22, 2010, PP5VX (Bone) said…
Tnx my dear !

I was hamming for the past 35 years, and started at 14 on ham-radio, and 15 on CW...
As you can read (and see...) better on QRZ.

Nice to take part of this wonderful world of CW and QRQ, of course, because, my moto is: "If you have to do something - do well" - Why CW at 15 wpm ? (hi)

See also the "MorseRunner Scores" page at, with my other call: PV5X, in some contests...

73/DX Bone (PP5VX)
Allways QRP... hi
At 9:23pm on January 24, 2010, Bob said…
Many thanks for the welcome in the QRQcw, I'm very honoured.
Still need to learn a bit how-to here.
I hope to meet with all of you on the radiowaves,
Bob, I0QM

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