using the LINUX LV2 PLUGIN - Trigger Midi Mono - as a morse code practice oscillator

SETUP: an UltraPico Keyer, keys a 555 TIMER CHIP..from the audio output of the 555, an audio cable is attached and goes to the input of a laptop's mic jack input...the 555 time chip sidetone is very rough sounding with lots of high pitched harmonics and key clicks...INSTEAD of trying to filter the 555's raspy tone, this video demo's using TRIGGER MIDI MONO to recreate the original 555 sidetone cw element and then a LINUX LV2 PLUGIN called TRIGGER MIDI MONO keys another CPO, a software code practice oscillator synthesizer called SIMPLE SINE GENERATOR(lv2 plugin)...this SIMPLE SINE GENERATOR has zero rise or fall time and therefore has loud key those need to be filtered another LINUX LV2 PLUGIN called CALF FILTER...calf filter does a great job of taking out all the harmonics and key clicks and produces a nicely shaped cw element audio waveform output*/*

Previously, this CW REGENERATION technique was accomplished using WINDOWS VST PLUGINS, or a non free app called LINUX NATIVE REAPER. After discovering this TRIGGER MIDI MONO plugin for LINUX, this CW REGENERATION technique can now be utilized with ALL FREE LINUX APPS ...

NOTE: familiarity with KXstudio, and his LINUX JACK AUDIO APPS for Linux is necessary in order to understand fully, the method that is being demo'd...there are more videos in this QRQcw youtube channel to learn more about JACK AUDIO for LINUX/windows/mac and the Raspberry Pi....

NOTE: MIDI DATA MESSAGES, of NOTE ON and NOTE OFF are used to instruct (key) the software code practice sine wave oscillator APP called SIMPLE SINE GENERATOR. (there are other LINUX audio plugins that would also work like AMsynth) -


Views: 1249

Comment by Chuck aa0hw on June 26, 2017 at 4:13pm

Here is a follow up video, for using the Linux Audio APP - INGEN - as a morse code practice oscillator:

This is a follow up video to the previous video about the Lv2 plugin "Trigger Midi mono" being used as a software CPO:

The advantage of using INGEN, is that INGEN can "house" all 3 LINUX AUDIO LV2 plugins that are being used to create a software code practice oscillator... 1. Trigger Midi Mono, 2. Nekobi 3. Moddevices Bandpass Filter....and once you have all the settings worked out, you can SAVE the INGEN setup and bring it back up later, and it will load every plugin and their individual settings that you just saved...(demo'd in the video)

takes the RIG KEYING OUTPUT from an Ultra Picokeyer to key a 555 timer chip sending out a rough square wave into the laptop's mic jack input....INGEN receives that audio, and the first plugin setup in INGEN is Trigger Midi Mono, which takes the VOLUME of the incoming square wave from the 555, and uses the peak volume of it, to trigger a threshold, that threshold once activated, triggers and ON/ OFF message to go out and key a software cw keyer sine wave oscillator (NEKOBI) Nekobi then gets bandpass filtered by the MOD BAND-PASS FILTER and the audio exits INGEN, and goes to the sound card speaker and the other audio analyzing apps being used...(and the screen recorder)

Comment by Chuck aa0hw on June 27, 2017 at 9:05am

This is a follow up video, for using the LINUX audio application - MOD-APP - as a morse code practice oscillator

This is a follow up video to a previous video about the Lv2 plugin "Trigger Midi mono" being used as a software CPO:

in a similar fashion to INGEN, MOD-APP lets you save all 3 LINUX LV2 plugins and their settings, that are being used to create a new cw audio element from the original that was sent to the MIC JACK INPUT by the 555 TIMER CHIP sidetone audio output, as the 555 TIMER CHIP gets keyed by the UltraPico Keyer's "KEY RIG" jack, output signal...

In this example, AMSYNTH is used as the sine wave generator, and the lv2 plugin, "CALF FILTER" is used as the final cw audio bandpass filter. An advantage of using AMSYNTH, is that it can be setup as a sine wave output with adjustable rise and fall times, adjustable pitch, adjustable volume, and it has its own BANDPASS FILTER which can be used as a pre-filter before AMSYNTH's audio tone output gets sent to the final audio filter, CALF FILTER.

Comment by Chuck aa0hw on June 27, 2017 at 2:21pm

Here is a more complete step by step video on how to create a software code practice oscillator in Linux:

This is a follow up video from the first in this series about using Trigger Midi Mono to create a software code practice oscillator :

in this video, a step by step approach is taken to show how to start from scratch and get to the final destination - a software morse code practice oscillator made with LV2 PLUGINS - loaded by

the names of the three LV2 plugins used to create a software code practice oscillator are:

1. Trigger Midi Mono
2. amsynth
3. Calf Filter
4. Cadence
4. Catia
5. KXstudio

Comment by Chuck aa0hw on June 28, 2017 at 11:08am

Here is another example of building a software Morse Code Oscillator using free LINUX audio software APPs - this time using KXstudio's "CARLA",  as the LV2 PLUGIN host,  to run the 3 LV2 plugins used to create a Morse Code Practice Oscillator:  TRIGGER MIDI MONO, AMSYNTH, and CALF FILTER.

This is a follow up video to a previous video about the Lv2 plugin "Trigger Midi mono" being used as a software CPO:

Carla is one of the most versatile and useful audio apps - period! In this brief demo, using the same LV2 PLUGIN array, as the previous videos in this series, 1. Trigger Midi Mono 2. amsynth(sine wave synthesizer, which is "keyed" by Trigger Midi Mono) 3. CALF FILTER - to act as a final polishing audio bandpass filter to clean up the audio from amsynth.

NOTE: at this time CARLA can not load the GUI for TRIGGER MIDI MONO(TMM), so you have to adjust the TMM settings with the CARLA "WRENCH" (internal parameter menus)..(shown on video)

- taking the RIG KEYING OUTPUT from an Ultra Picokeyer - to key a 555 timer chip - which sends out a rough square wave into the laptop's mic jack input....Trigger Midi Mono via CARLA, receives that audio, and uses a preset VOLUME LEVEL of the incoming square wave from the 555, so that at the peak volume of it, it triggers a threshold setting inside TRIGGER MIDI MONO, that threshold, once activated, triggers an ON/ OFF MIDI NOTE DATA message to go out and key a software cw keyer sine wave oscillator LV2 PLUGIN (AMSYNTH) AMSYNTH then gets bandpass filtered slightly by itself, and then the audio goes to the final audio bandpass filter lv2 plugin called CALF FILTER... the audio exits CARLA, and goes to the sound card speaker and any of the other audio analyzing apps being used...(simplescreenrecorder too)

Comment by Chuck aa0hw on July 21, 2017 at 10:46am

Here is a version of how to make your own LINUX morse code practice oscillator using 3 standalone APPs:

This video demo's how to use 3 stand alone JACK APPs...
TRIGGER MIDI MONO(standalone jack version)
lsp-plugins-jack-1.0.26-x86_64.tar.gz 2017-07-09 588.9 kB
lsp-plugins-jack-1.0.26-i586.tar.gz 2017-07-09 496.5 kB
JACK RACK(for its cw audio bandpass filter LADSPA plugin)

The LADSPA plugin GLAME BANDPASS FILTER(working inside JACK RACK) does an excellent job of cleaning up the remaining cw element edge noise produced from the AMSYNTH sine synthesizer app(set to 5 ms attack and 5 ms release)

BASIC FLOW: from input to output:
CW SIDETONE generated by a 555 timer chip, which is being keyed by the UltraPico Keyer, goes to the laptop's mic input jack...from there TRIGGER MIDI MONO analyzes the volume peaks of each sidetone element it receives, then at the volume peaks, after going over a preset threshold, trigger midi mono sends out a midi NOTE ON and midi NOTE OFF data message, that goes to the input of AMSYNTH, which is acting like a software morse code practice sine wave oscillator - with a 5 ms rise and 5 ms fall time....then from the output of AMSYNTH...the audio is directed over to the input of JACK RACK...and inside JACK RACK, a LADSPA PLUGIN called GLAME BANDPASS FILTER is used to clean up the remaining cw element edges noise ...then the audio output after being filtered, goes to the sound card(system), the screen recorder and audio analysis apps...

Comment by Chuck aa0hw on July 31, 2017 at 5:30pm

Here is another example showing how to make your own LINUX software morse code practice oscillator using a LINUX AUDIO APP called  "SYNTHPOD"

short demo of the LINUX AUDIO APP called SYNTHPOD, a Nonlinear LV2 Plugin Container, showing a step by step procedure to build a software morse code practice oscillator, using an external cw keyer with a sidetone output, connecting that sidetone audio output from the cw keyer, to the mic or line input of a Linux OS Laptop's(Lubuntu 16.04) soundcard

Basic setup...uses CW REGENERATION to clone a sidetone from a cw keyer that is connected by an audio cable to the laptop's MICROPHONE INPUT JACK....("system" is what is shown on the jack audio connection bay GUI representing the MIC INPUT)

SYNTHPOD is loaded, and 3 LV2 plugins are chosen...then audio and midi connections are drawn on the SYNTHPOD gui to connect the necessary inputs and outputs.... all LV2 settings are shown that help to create the cloned cw elements from the external cw keyer's sidetone(which is a rough square wave with tons of harmonics and zero rise and fall time)

the 3 LV2 plugins used in this example are:


Comment by Chuck aa0hw on August 2, 2017 at 9:44am

Here is a video demonstration of using the LINUX APP -  midiCW -  to build your own software morse code practice oscillator on a LINUX or RASPBERRY PI computer

this video shows how to use "midiCW" as a standalone software morse code practice oscillator for a LINUX OS computer using the JACK AUDIO CONNECTION KIT for its audio engine...and be able to key midiCW with your paddles, st key or cw keyboard.

NOTE: RecriKeyer has its "own" iambic keyer as well...a bit more complicated to setup...

Comment by Chuck aa0hw on August 2, 2017 at 2:02pm

Here is a video demonstration of using the LINUX APP -  LMMS -  to build your own software morse code practice oscillator on a computer running LINUX.

This is another possible setup, continuing in this video series, of how to create your own software morse code practice oscillator/cw keyer in LINUX. This time LMMS is utilized for its default oscillator and ability to bring in a LADSPA plugin(glame bandpass filter) easily

NOTE: to see the MIDI INPUT pins of LMMS, the ALSA-JACK bridge is used

Comment by Chuck aa0hw on October 31, 2017 at 7:36am

Here is Trigger Midi Mono, performing CW REGNERATION at 200 wpm with extreme accuracy

this video demo's TRIGGER MIDI MONO regenerating FLdigi's output cw audio tones at 200 wpm.

Trigger Midi Mono, uses an AUDIO TO MIDI engine to precisely reproduce morse code audio tones at the exact timing of every cw element length arriving at Trigger Midi Mono's audio input PIN.
Trigger Midi Mono, analyzes the incoming cw audio elements from FLdigi and outputs MIDI DATA over to a sine wave synthesizer software CW KEYER called "midiCW"...midiCW takes the midi output data from Trigger Midi Mono, and uses that data to reconstruct an exact clone of the original FLdigi cw element and then outputs a very nice 6ms rise, 6ms fall time, raised cosine cw audio waveform

here are the settings i used on Trigger Midi Mono for this test:

Comment by Chuck aa0hw on April 11, 2018 at 9:59am

Here is another good example of taking a harsh sounding sidetone and converting it into raised cosine nice sounding sidetone using TRIGGER MIDI MONO and the MIDICW software CW KEYER:


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