Old Masters - Tape to mp3 of K4KHT, and WB2TEN with W2KFA 1975

I wanted to share some old qrq qso tape to mp3 that I just finished. Chuck asked
if I had tapes, and I found them! Hope you enjoy. First is a tape made by Bill Eitel
of K4KHT going 90 wpm. The second is a qso between Gene W2KFA and myself,
then WB2TEN, that I think was on 80 meters on the night of 11/28/75.

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Hi, Thom!
This is a real music to my ears!
Excellent recording's, my congratulations.

73 Imi
THANKS for preserving this great QRQ CW history !
Hi Thom,
Wow! That was an eye opener for me. You were the only one sending really smooth code. The two Genes were sending in fast words with many gaps in the chatting. I don't feel so bad about my sending over 85 anymore.
I wasn't into QRQ back then so couldn't copy that code but did listen. Thanks for the travel back in time!
-Fred Ryan
I listened to the tapes using Fldigi as a code reader and it did a pretty good job.

Joe KH6/W3GW
THOM........... How can I get a download,via internet, of the K4KHT Transmissions at 90 to 100wpm? I do not own an MP3. K4KHT was my uncle.Obviously you can understand my wanting this keepsake. Gene was living in Miami when he answered my CQ:that was when I first learned of him being licensed. I lived in his hometown, Savannah ,GA. at the time.
A lot of good QSO's followed.
Looking forward to hearing from you. 73, Bernie Farthing NP2CB Tele. 352-243-0302 Cell 407-407-222-0719 ,
email np2cb@MMSN.ORG or np2cb@earthlink.net

I have a tape Fred Ryan sent me, which I converted to .WAV for the purpose of making in to an audio CD for mailing to other QRQ ops as well as listening to in the car for practice, etc.  That was around 2004-2005, and I sent the finished CD to several operators who were interested, such as W5UX, and KT2E.  KT2E (formerly KC4EJT) loved the material I sent him, which included some SOB qsos, and a few QRQ George Hart transmissions. 


My tape says:  K9KHT - W0YC - K5HIB - W6AY    ...recorded by W6AY

It also says Jan. 28, 1975   3537Khz


I wonder if this is the same recording, or a different one?  I will try to locate my original .wav files and convert to .mp3

No, it's a different recording.  K4KHT was done by Bill Eitel, and the one with me and W2KFA

was done on 40 meters in November 1975.  Thanks...K8IF


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