hello. name is bob/n4vnl. i want to get started in qrq.. i need to know everything that i need to get going.. where do i get the interface, cables and software?? i need it all and how to get things going.. i am not too good on manuals so try to be slow with me.. been a ham sence 84.. can someone help??? tks n4vnl/bob

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Hi Bob,

If you take a look at the MFJ site, they will have a keyboard/keyer combo that you can purchase for just over 100 bucks.
That combo was my first bit of gear to send cw at the higher speeds and it worked very well and was easy to set up.
You only have to run a cable from the MFJ black box keyer to the input key jack of your rig.
The connector on the MFJ BLACK BOX KEYER is an RCA plug. And on most of the older rigs the key jack input is a 1/4 inch plug. Radio shack should have a cable that will work and you can use audio cable adapters if needed. For this setup you do not need any computer or software, just the ability to type.


another option that is more sophisticated is the K1EL keyer:

Hi Bob

First of all, my advice to anyone interested in QRQ Cw would be to read everything on this website.

I have found using the Rufz program and the 3000 most common words to be extremely helpful in increasing my speed.

Also the ebook2cw program, described by Chuck on this site, has allowed me to make my own CDs to listen to while taking my daily four mile walks here on Maui. Be sure to follow Chucks, AA0HW, advice on how to deal with punctuation when making your tapes.

Finally, consider the WKUSB kit form K1EL. I just finished mine and could not be happier with it. Its nice to see what you have typed on a screen when you are trying for high speed CW. A nice addition is a Yahoo website devoted to K1EL gear.

Finally, welcome aboard Bob. I hope the sunspots will allow us to work each other soon!

Joe, KH6/W3GW
hello n4vnl/bob here tks for the info.. i already bought a interface and loaded hamscope on the computer.. i havent got my hf rig up yet.. i had to take down all of my ant.. for house repair this summer but will put it up asap.. hope to here u all later. n4vnl


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