My configuration over internet

</ local monitoring - and Cwget audio control configuration ...
and if I want to hear my suonding...
see to set up Cwget...very sample


Enjoy best 73's de Sal,i8cee

Views: 238

Comment by Chuck aa0hw on January 31, 2010 at 7:55am
Thank you very much Sal for providing this tutorial for us and showing fellow iCW OPS how to setup cwGET to be able to hear their own CW sidetone when using FLdigi and the WS AUDIO DEVICE.

It was very easy to follow your example and set up the CWget software to be able hear my own sidetone from FLdigi when operating through MUMBLE over iCW. I know there are some iCW OPS that would really like
to hear their own sidetone when using FLdigi and the WS AUDIO DEVICE. You have provided a way for them to do that.

I also found that the FLdigi CW AUDIO TONES from cwGET sounded much better when selecting the FIR FILTER at 1000 hertz:

Thanks again Sal for your contribution to the site !


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