Raspberry PI 4 - CW Morse Code Audio Tone Regenerator - using PI-APP's Reaper DAW's own plugins

pi-apps has a REAPER download REAPER contains all of the plugins to REGENERATE CW


throw any kind of sidetone into the REAPER INPUT and REAPER OUTPUTs a pure SINE WAVE, raised cosine edged CW AUDIO TONE, that perfectly clones the exact length of every AUDIO CW ELEMENT at the REAPER INPUT

useful for using a 555 TIMER CHIP sidetone CPO with very harsh edges and tone of harmonics...REAPER converts it into an ideal CW WAVESHAPE and CW AUDIO TONE quality

uses 3 native REAPER plugins to convert harsh unpleasant CW SIDETONEs into pure sinewave shaped sidetones

1st plugin analyzes the exact length of the incoming sidetone CW ELEMENT = REAGATE

REAGATE then sends to the next app a MIDI CW KEYING DATA STREAM

REASYNTH accepts this midi cw keying data, and outputs a custom designed CW AUDIO TONE where you decide what pitch/ volume/ rise|fall time etc

REASYNTH sends its output to a final CW AUDIO BANDPASS FILTER, the apple 12 pole filter - that cleans up any residual edge noise

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