Using SYNTHEDIT, http://www.synthedit.com/,

I was able to make a VST plugin (VSTi plugin would be more accurate since it is a synthesizer plugin) that acts just like a hardware CODE PRACTICE OSCILLATOR, only this one is keyed using MIDI INPUT

NOTE:   [ there are several versions of the sineCW vst plugin available to test in all the attachments below ]

This sineCW vsti plugin is keyed using a MIDI INPUT, which acts just like a normal rig would being keyed with cw keyers.

There is an ongoing article about  MIDI KEYED CPO in the Blogs


HERE is an example of the waveform showing a dit using this plugin:

Here below is a picture of the setup...using a VST HOST...and being keyed using AUDIO to MIDI technique  ~ an 18 khz wave from a 555 chip goes into the MIC JACK,  this triggers REAGATE to send a midi note of any pitch you choose, to the input of the sineCW3 vst plugin, which keys just like a normal CPO, and then the output of sineCW3 goes to a final BANDPASS filter where you can adjust it to remove any remaining cw note edge noise and also determine how narrow you want the cw tones  - audio bandwidth -  to be...


If you take a look at the PLUGIN GUI, you will see several parameters.  The most important are the ATTACK and RELEASE....which sets the RISE and FALL time of the cw note.  The 2nd to last PATCHVALUE is also interesting,  you can vary the "hardness" of the keying by selecting one of the other options here,  ie   EXPONENTIAL .   Send a cw file and adjust these 3 parameters while listening LIVE,  to get everything set to your desired sending cw "sound"


Please find attached the download link if you are interested in testing this VST PLUGIN on your computer system.  This is a 32 bit only VST PLUGIN.  Place this dll file into your VST 32 BIT folder and rescan your VST HOST to pick it up...

HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW THIS HOME BREWED VST CPO SINE WAVE CW OSCILLATOR sounds when sending cw at qrq speed 80 wpm....from TOM, W4BQF's article - COPYING CW OVER 70 WPM.


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Realtek ASIO driver for near zero latency for Morse Code iambic Keying on a Windows 10 laptop

brief experimental setup to see if by only using KSstudio's CARLA as a VST HOST... https://kx.studio/Downloads
with CARLA using the native ASIO DRIVER on the laptop - the Realtek ASIO driver...how low of a latency could be achieved when keying paddles to "key" the software CW KEYER VST PLUGIN called sineCW http://qrqcwnet.ning.com/forum/topics/home-brewed-software-code-pra...

the paddles were connected to an external CW KEYER that has an EMF COIL on top of the CW KEYER's speaker...the EMF field from the SPEAKER drives the coil, which is connected to the laptop's sound card LINE INPUT...(just like demoD in this earlier video https://youtu.be/4xXtQK57ssM) the LINE INPUT audio from the EMF COIL... is the input for CARLA...where the first VST PLUGIN - REAGATE - is using the audio from the LINE INPUT to trigger a MIDI NOTE output - which then goes to the midi note input port of the 2nd vst plugin, a software CW KEYER VST plugin called "sineCW"

Since both the CW KEYER SPEAKER and the LAPTOP's speaker were sounding out at the same time...it is easy to determine any delay...and with the lowest possible settings for the REALTEK ASIO driver...there was no delay noticed....both the CW KEYER speaker & the laptop speakers were outputting the CW TONEs at virtually the same time...

CARLA2 for windows is much improved from its earlier versions for windows 10... and it worked well with this test using the REALTEK ASIO driver(note if your win 10 does not have its own ASIO driver...you can use ASIO4ALL http://www.asio4all.org/ )

Here is a brand new edition of the sineCW CPO VST plugin -  sineCW64 a VST2 or VST3 plugin

if you would like to test this VST3 64bit plugin on your PC, here is a download link(7zip)...just unZIP and place the whole sineCW64 folder in your... c:// Program Files / common files /   VST3 (folder) /  & reSCAN for VSTs



here are a few video demos of the new updated sineCW plugin:

Evaluate the new sineCW64 VST Plugin midi-keyed CW Keyer tone oscillator running at 80 wpm

Here is another example of this CW CPO VST PLUGIN being keyed by the HASAK CW KEYER USB teensy board Project

VST plugin is keyed by PADDLES, STRAIGHT KEY or KEYBOARD (using "midi note/on midi note/off" midi data input)

this demo is using the HASAK CW KEYER project which uses a teensy usb board

- https://github.com/recri/hasak

to send midi note on/off data into the VST PLUGIN's midi keying port input


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