Victoria Panagiotou
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  • Pantsios Pantelis
  • i8cee -Salvatore Cecere
  • Imre Forro KV1I
  • Joe
  • Chuck aa0hw

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Victoria Panagiotou's Page

Profile Information

Your Call Sign
How many years have you been performing QRQ CW
Still struggling to master it.. I learned CW in 2005 to pass my 5WPM exam. Failed it, and passed it half a year later with the maximum number of errors allowed. Then was afraid to touch a key for almost 3 years, it took me almost 1 year to UNLEARN the wrong code I had learned, and now here I am, after 2 years of morse code practice that CW has become by far my preferred mode of operation and an integral part of my daily life !
What speed do you like to run QRQ CW
Am I a QRQ op ? :-)
Well since my CW practices are solely HST-orienteered, I was never really into CW ragchewing. Callsign copying up to 65WPM is fine with me, and my copying speed of 5-random-character groups with less than 5 errors per minute is appr 32WPM. When it's about real words code comes in very pleasant up to 50WPM.
Your favorite key, paddle or bug
Kent single lever
Your Rig, Antenna and RF Power
ICOM IC-7k, GAP Titan DX, 100W
Your favorite headphones or speakers for listening to cw
I have Sony MDR-XD200 for CW training. Bought them for 15EUR and I love them !

Comment Wall (8 comments)

At 9:04am on July 25, 2011, Chuck aa0hw said…

Hi Victoria,

Welcome to QRQcw and thank you for joining our group !

We invite you to join us for an internet cw qso on one of our

iCW NETS... we have several qrq cw nets...

for more information on how to setup your computer for iCW

please see our main website:


Thanks again Victoria and we hope to qso

with you soon on our iCW server.





At 9:12am on July 25, 2011, Chuck aa0hw said…

The sketch you made and posted on QRZ is FANTASTIC !








A sketch I made for my beloved mode in Ham Radio, CW ! (Many people ask me if I am left-handed, and the answer is that I am not. I just used my left hand as a model and I was sketching with my right hand. The key at the sketch is a beautiful Swedish Pump Key that has a great, liquid feeling when tapping it.)

At 12:18pm on July 25, 2011, Joe said…

Welcome, Victoria. I live on Maui and have been interested in high speed CW for three years. There is lots of good in formation on the website. I hope to see you on iCW net. Maybe, we will QSO on the air if sun spots improve. Aloha from Maui.

Joe, KH6/W3GW

At 9:36am on July 28, 2011, Chuck aa0hw said…

Really enjoyed seeing the picture of your dog Laika ! 

At 1:21pm on July 29, 2011, Imre Forro KV1I said…

Hi Victoria!

Welcome to QRQcw.

You have a fantastic Ham radio back ground.

I hope to catch you on the air some times.


             73/88 Imi HA7AP

At 1:33pm on July 29, 2011, Victoria Panagiotou said…

GE Imi from SV9 !  (will be QRV for the IOTA test as SY9M)

Well what to say, your MR scores have always been more than inspiring for me, I feel sincerely happy to catch up with you here !
Btw, what I do lately is to run MR and music (mp3s playing at the same computer) simultaneously. It's annoyingly fun, multitasking !

Cheers !  VY 73+88

Vicky sv2kbs

At 4:24am on January 9, 2012, Imre Forro KV1I said…

Hi Victoria!

I'm really happy for you, that you like to play around RUFZ.

I did it too :-) Most of the time I can get calls at 70/80 wpm.

Once I got a call sign at 108 WPM, but that was a good guess only :-)

I heard a call and I said to my self, it sounded like this call.... and I got that right :-)

I used to play around RUFZ and Morse Runner just for fun, but never really interested in HST competitions.

Don't get me wrong, I really do appreciate all those people who put a lots of effort in to these things, but I am more like a rag chewer kind of guy :-)

For me the real fun begins when I'm in a conversation with someone at high speed in CW.

About Morse Runner...Well I've been a contester for a very long time since I was a kid, so thats why MR is quite easy for me :-)

I really like the Idea that you run MR and music at the same time :-) wow thats a good skill.

You know I actually hope that you would be interested in rag chew too one day, so we can talk to each other on the air too.

Actually a lot of people would be more then happy to have a rag chew with you on the air, or on ICW.

All QRQ guys would gladly give you new ideas and they are very helpful persons.

Please don't be afraid to get on the air or MUMBLE, never may learn something from  these die hard CW ops :-)

I hope to hear from you soon

73/88 Imi HA7AP

At 4:10am on June 14, 2012, Imre Forro KV1I said…

Hi Vicky!

I don't know if you seen this, but I just find this on youtube.

take a close look at 3:22! Is that you?

Pretty nice video.

73/88 Imi HA7AP

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