January 2020 Blog Posts (11)

QRQ CW remote Keying a RIG(afcw) at 80 wpm using Gstreamer RTSP server::client scripts - full test run LIVE demo


Gstreamer has its own RTSP server::client scripts...

Gstreamer also has a way to interleave and deinterleave a 2 channel audio pipeline...in order to apply a different tone to each channel for transmit and then de-interleave them at the destination location and... just before going into the RIG's LINE INPUT For TRANSMIT, Gstreamer has…


Added by Chuck aa0hw on January 31, 2020 at 2:59pm — No Comments

QRQ CW audio OVER ip test - 24 bit VS 32 bit - uncompressed audio over Ethernet

brief test of 24 bit VS 32 bit uncompressed audio going from a laptop to a Raspberry pi 2b loopback - and then right back to the laptop over Ethernet cables going through router and switches

32 bit has virtual no variance from the original audio source

24 bit does show a wide berth of harmonics generated at the lowest db…


Added by Chuck aa0hw on January 26, 2020 at 7:39am — No Comments

Elecraft K3 dead spots in the FULL QSK RECEIVE AUDIO when operating QRQ CW mode

NOTICE the DEAD ZONE in the following SCOPE view of sending a couple of 55 ms DITs... while trying to listen for how much QSK RECEIVE AUDIO is between those dits....NOTE:  you will see a GAP of "NO AUDIO" from phase cancellation due to the technique that the K3 firmware uses to try and get "more" QSK audio for the QRQ OP's 

the steady…


Added by Chuck aa0hw on January 25, 2020 at 3:56pm — No Comments

Gstreamer "audio OVER ip" for HAM RADIO - audiointerleave/deinterleave plugin examples for QRQ CW Remote Rig Operations

this video demoS using GSTREAMER's audiointerleave and deinterleave plugins for a Gstreamer OPUS CODEC AUDIO OVER IP remote rig audio operations use...


break the 2 channel audio over ip pipelines into 2 individual pathways that can contain their own individual Gstreamer audio DSP plugins...

in this case....2 different…


Added by Chuck aa0hw on January 23, 2020 at 11:15am — 1 Comment

QRQ'n with the K1EL K40 CW Keyer(60 - 120 wpm) using a CW Keyer audio to EMF COIL PC interface

this is a follow up video to this one:


the K1EL K40 CW KEYER's SPEAKER AUDIO OUTPUT is hooked directly to the Ferrite Bobbin Core Inductor Coil input...an EMF PICKUP COIL is right on top of the COIL(cheap telephone recording emf pickup coil)...connect the EMF PICKUP…


Added by Chuck aa0hw on January 20, 2020 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Remote Rig QRQ CW setup using Gstreamer, Laptop & Raspberry PI::RIG interface - LIVE CW QSO demo

brief demo of operating QRQ CW remote rig operations using an ELECRAFT K3S, a Raspberry PI 2b, a remote LINUX LUBUNTU 18.04 LAPTOP, and using Gstreamer PIPELINES for several functions:

1. audio over ip to and from the PI::RIG interface - full duplex

2. cw audio bandpass filter for transmit

3. PTT activation tone bandpass filter for…


Added by Chuck aa0hw on January 19, 2020 at 9:45am — No Comments

Key perfect QRQ CW on your ELECRAFT K3S from 100 to 200 wpm with the AD5DZ remote CW Keying system

brief demo showing the AD5DZ remote keying system keying an ELECRAFT K3S from 100 to 200 wpm, with perfect CW NOTE construction (AFCW MODE)

first testing with a 1 DIT SEND test ...to see if the K3S can key it perfectly without missing any part of the CW ELEMENT

2nd - sending a text file at 150 wpm to see how it keys



Added by Chuck aa0hw on January 17, 2020 at 10:29am — 1 Comment

The difference a simple QRQ CW transmit Bandpass filter can make on your RIG's TRANSMIT CW output QUALITY

the CW NOTE on the left is using a Raised cosine edge at 6ms rise/fall time with NO bandpass filtering...the harmonics are plentiful as shown on the spec an below it

the CW NOTE On the Right is using the same Raised cosine edge at 6ms - but in addition - is passing through a simple Gstreamer CLI bandpass filter...the BPF virtually eliminates all harmonics above and below the CW PITCH…


Added by Chuck aa0hw on January 15, 2020 at 1:00pm — No Comments

QRQ CW - encoded with the AC3 audio compression CODEC using Gstreamer - surprising good results

using Gstreamer to encode & decode Live Morse Code audio from the audio output of the AD5DZ software CW KEYBOARD...and then send it out on the network as UDP PACKETS...receive, decode and playback...

- really excellent quality CW AUDIO resulted from this AC3 ENCODING/DECODING test with pretty low network bandwidth traffic requirements at…


Added by Chuck aa0hw on January 12, 2020 at 3:31pm — No Comments

QRQ CW - Remote Rig Operations using a Raspberry PI & Gstreamer - with QSK RX audio between letters

brief demo showing an experimental setup using REMOTE RIG AUDIO over IP via Gstreamer SERVER::CLIENT scripts...and Gstreamer CW bandpass filter scripts...with a RASPBERRY PI 2b as the hardware/software/soundcard interface between the REMOTE OP and the RIG(K3S)



Added by Chuck aa0hw on January 2, 2020 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

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