FROM STEVE HARRIS SWH PLUGINS DIODE PROCESSOR 2.32 Diode Processor (diode, 1185) Mangles the signal as if it had been passed through a diode rectifier network.You should probably follow this with a DC offset remover, unless you want the offset. Mode (0 for none, 1 for half wave, 2 for full wave) The mode parameter is continuously variable…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on July 13, 2023 at 11:19am — No Comments
brief demo using a simple GATE plugin, to STOP QRQ CW Ringing on the RECEIVE SIGNAL
gate is placed after antenna input, and before final CW AUDIO bandpass filter
GATE used in this example is from CALF STUDIO GEAR…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on May 31, 2023 at 7:29am — 5 Comments
using the ENB-CW method of encoding/decoding
brief test to see how well using the ENB-CW method to transmit and receive 12 hertz ELF EMF - for RADIO COMMs of a 'THROUGH THE EARTH' Cave Radio Transceiver prototype
NOTE: not shown on video is the MIXER, that up-converts the 12 hertz ENB-CW carrier to a 782 hertz…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on May 27, 2023 at 12:42pm — No Comments
this is a follow up video from the 1st one here:
for more info on the VLF TRANSMITTER SETUP see this video's description:
in this video, an MFJ451 CW KEYBOARD keys the TLC551 at QRQ speeds
Added by Chuck aa0hw on May 23, 2023 at 11:34am — No Comments
with high Q antennas systems for RX/TX there is too much ringing & cw element elongation for good copy retrieval from the SDR down conversion from 5Khz to CW AUDIO... an alternative to straight mixing is to REGENERATE the CW from its unusable ringing cw elements...however, the elements volume peaks have to be equalized in volume by a DSP…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on May 20, 2023 at 11:45am — No Comments
brief test to see if QRQ CW at 80 wpm could be PULSE DENSITY MODULATED effectively for transmit/receive on the ULF BAND at 1.784 Khz using very high Q resonant ferrite rod loopstick TX/RX antennas
for more info on PULSE DENSITY MODULATED CW(PDM-CW) please see this playlist:…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on May 19, 2023 at 7:32am — No Comments
with high Q ringing on a QRQ CW signal, by high Q filters &/or high Q antennas, you are going to get CW ELEMENT RINGING and CW ELEMENT ELONGATION which distorts the typical wave shape of the DITs and DAHS... especially on the DITs...the elongation will decrease its volume since the element takes to long to reach peak output compared to a…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on May 18, 2023 at 9:17am — No Comments
WHiTE and ViOLET Noise are combined and filtered
to only transmit from 40Khz to 48Khz
and this noise is used to create CW NOTEs that are 8Khz wide on the LF BAND
uses CW RE-KEYING methods shown on this playlist:…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on May 9, 2023 at 5:25pm — No Comments
2. LSP OSCILLATOR MONO§ion=oscillator_mono…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on May 8, 2023 at 2:16pm — No Comments
only 2 LSP Plugins are needed for DIRECT CONVERSION from VLF CW to AUDIO CW§ion=oscillator_mono…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on May 8, 2023 at 8:44am — No Comments
testing QRQ CW using a GAUSSIAN-25 raised cosine window, through HIGH Q, RESONANT, TUNED, FERRITE ROD TRANSMIT & RECEIVE ANTENNAs on the VLF BAND at 3.6Khz
towards the end of the video, several other RAISED COSINE WINDOWS are selected to see how they LOOK/SOUND compared to Gaussian-25
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on April 28, 2023 at 9:56am — No Comments
the ZAMGATE CW wave shape RESTORATION system, takes the incoming HiGH Q, RiNGiNG and distorted QRQ CW waveshape, from a 3.5kHZ ULF QRQ CW SiGNAL, and restores it to a pristine, raised cosine adjustable rise/fall time, adjustable pitch CW WAVEshape CW NOTE
The distorted, ringing QRQ CW waveshape seen in this video is from a…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on April 22, 2023 at 7:07am — No Comments
unixCW script to send a text file that keeps repeating until you hit/hold Ctrl-C until it stops... ~/Downloads/unixcw-3.5.1/src/cw
$ while true; do (./cw -d hw:0,1,0 -f YOURTEXTFILE.txt -w 40 -k 50 -t 20200 -v 8); sleep 1; done
-t = frequency that unixCW sends out…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on April 20, 2023 at 12:51pm — No Comments
using a biploar tesla coil with a large ferrite core, 30 windings primary input, and 300 turns secondary output both input and output are tuned for MAX signal output at 21Khz
- input is tuned by a .1uF series resonating CAP, and output is tuned by a .001uF parallel resonating CAP
QRQ CW example for…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on April 13, 2023 at 8:06am — 1 Comment
uses RECRi KEYER CW & SDR modules: RECEiVE
OP can choose at what CW AUDIO Pitch whey want to listen to, with the RECRi KEYER's SDR MIXER MODULE
NOTE: OPUS CODEC will not work to send Contour…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on March 22, 2023 at 7:58am — No Comments
UNiXcw using this script to keep the TEXT FiLE to CW sending on an auto-repeating endless cycle, (until you hold CTRL/c down until it stops) qrq@qrq:~/Downloads/unixcw-3.6.0/src/cw$ while true; do (./cw -d hw:1,1,1 -f teslalecture1.txt -w 60 -k 50 -t 30000 -v 90); sleep 1; done…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on March 17, 2023 at 9:01am — No Comments
FERRITE TX ANTENNA is max tuned for PEAK SIGNAL OUTPUT on 30Khz VLF CW input windings of ferrite rod TX antenna is SERIES TUNED by CAPs and output windinws of ferrite rod TX antenna is PARALLEL TUNED by CAPs FERRITE
RECEIVE ANTENNA is max tuned for PEAK SIGNAL RECEIVE signal on 30Khz VLF CW by a .1uF cap and the BEST coil…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on March 14, 2023 at 1:12pm — 1 Comment
since the TRANSMITTER is not using full duration CW ELEMENTs(using AFCW MODE)(a2) Battery Drain should be less when operating portable via PDM-CW methods
ZAMGATE is the PDM-CW encoder:
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on March 8, 2023 at 2:16pm — 2 Comments
instead of sending pure sine wave CW notes over Mumble, "GAUSSIAN NOISE" CW NOTES are used to see if GAUSSIAN NOISE CW audio performs better over iP on Mumble(OPUS CODEC), than pure sine wave CW audio
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on March 8, 2023 at 9:25am — No Comments
brief demo showing the setup from a remote laptop's location on how to key the rig remotely from another room in the house uses NETJACK and a pi2b as the NETJACK server which is connected to the RIG's internal USB SOUND CARD(ELECRAFT K3S)
more info on NETJACK here:…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on February 16, 2023 at 2:08pm — No Comments
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