A gathering place for QRQ ops world wide to share information and experience in pursuing QRQ cw



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NOTE: if you have a QRQcw NET or know of one, please tell us about it, and we will post it here

Blog Posts

Interrupt Modulated(IM) QRQ CW Mode - Live demo on the VLF band

Interrupt Modulated(IM) QRQ CW Mode transmitting and receiving digital information using an analog carrier where the required bandwidth is limited to approximately the frequency of the analog carrier signal. The method is called interrupt modulation and consists of interrupting an un-modulated carrier signal so the…


Posted by Chuck aa0hw on March 28, 2024 at 9:49am — 1 Comment

rEvErSe iMaGe CW mode FiGHTS BACK against packet loss during an OPUS CW AUDIO over iP Morse Code QSO

USING rEvErSe iMaGe CW(riCW) MODE to minimize AUDIO GLITCHEs from poor internet performance with lots of packet dropouts...using an riCW encoder & riCW decoder the riCW encoder injects silence into an audio carrier to represent each CW ELEMENT, the riCW decoder is using CW REGENERATION to convert the silent CW…


Posted by Chuck aa0hw on March 23, 2024 at 8:00am

Remote laptop station keying QRQ CW on Rig over LAN using NETJACK 2: using a pi2b Remote RIG interface

ultra-LOW latency REMOTE RIG CW OPERATIONs from a remote laptop on the local area 'wired' network, through router & switches using the NETJACK 2, setup demo from this video:…


Posted by Chuck aa0hw on March 21, 2024 at 8:52am

555 harsh raspy square wave CPO output to PURE SINE WAVE shaped CW NOTE output CONVERTER: REAPER DAW

using native plugins in REAPER DAW, to create a CW Regeneration "RE-KEYER"...- takes a harsh/raspy square wave input from a 555 keyed CPO output, over to the MIC INPUT(green wave on scope) and converts it into a shaped sinewave CW note output, with raised cosine edges, using 3 reaper plugins: Tone Generator, ReaGate,…


Posted by Chuck aa0hw on March 8, 2024 at 8:54am — 1 Comment

reVerse iMAGE CW digital Mode - reduce ur Transmit bandwidth by at least half

experimental setup to send CW by 'keying' SiLENT GAPS into a narrow band 1600 hertz audio sine wave carrier, for transmit via LINE INPUT of your RIG(LSB/USB)

TRANSMIT ENCODER - by REAGATE's ducking mode output of TX REAGATE goes into a narrow bandpass filter before going to the TRANSMIT line input…


Posted by Chuck aa0hw on March 1, 2024 at 2:49pm



Please feel free to start any QRQcw topics or leave comments for the discussions already posted. You may also load pictures or videos relating to qrq cw operations. Thank you for your contributions.

N3ZNkeys.com website - see all of his latest CW KEYS

iCW - 2012 - How to send morse code over the internet on WINDOWS 7 : THE BASIC SETUP


Using Mumble( open source skype like voip program )and FLdigi to communicate morse code over the internet. LIVE RECORDING from 2009. [ Missouri to Michigan internet path ]

SETUP: using a virtual audio cable, we connect the output of FLDIGI to the input of MUMBLE. We both connect to a MUMBLE SERVER and instead of using MICROPHONES, we send morse code audio tones at high quality, high fidelity, and low latency, to each other. The audio is FULL DUPLEX and allows for good QSK response during the conversation for breaking in.


CW Training - Windows app in English/French and another in English/Russian 1 Reply

The author (K6CTW) has developed two Windows 10 apps for Bilingual training.  The first is a English/French. This version of the application is aimed at an American/English speaking user that would…Continue

Started by Ken Miller. Last reply by Steve Steltzer Nov 17, 2023.

CTR2-Mini+ device for iCW etc.

KU7Q sells a device that is like a KPOD on steroids (and works with Kenwood, Icom, Yaesus, and Flexe)  for half the price. He recently revised his keyer code and increased the max speed to 99. That…Continue

Started by Steve Steltzer Mar 27, 2023.

Morse Code Training - Ditto CW Player by WB1LLY 2 Replies

Hello,recently I updated my page on Morse Code training   https://www.qsl.net/df7tv/morse-code-training.htmlA major change has been,…Continue

Started by Thomas MARTIN. Last reply by Thomas MARTIN Jun 17, 2023.

QRQ net streaming 1 Reply

Now streaming / archiving the twice daily CRSnet skeds at Stream my audio . Click on archive if a sked is not in progress. Steve, WF3TContinue

Started by Steve Steltzer. Last reply by Chuck aa0hw Jun 24, 2022.

QRQ CW on mobile phone: suitable MIDI soundfonts? Experiences? 2 Replies

Hello all,As a fun project I was writing a CW player for my Iphone over Christmas. A text file is converted to MIDI, MIDI is played out as audio on the Iphone. I am using Apple's MIDI player…Continue

Tags: Soundfont, IoS, MIDI

Started by Gerd Groos. Last reply by Gerd Groos Jan 19, 2020.

Regenerative CW 3 Replies

Hi,I read with interest Joe KF7CX article about regenarative CW.I struggled a little bit to find out all about circuitry, but finally I think i have a good idea of how to build a complete interface.I…Continue

Started by F6EEQ. Last reply by F6EEQ Jan 2, 2020.

A-TRONIX Keyboards

Does anyone know anything about A-TRONIX keyboards?Joe W3GWContinue

Started by Joe Oct 13, 2019.

Wanted: proper AZERTY keyboard setting 2 Replies

In order to properly exercise, the standard keyboard should be altered.I am using a belgian AZERTY keyboard with the QRQ Application. (OS is Ubuntu 18.04.1)In order to type numbers I need to access…Continue

Started by Michel Spelier. Last reply by Michel Spelier Sep 14, 2018.

TAKE THE QRQ CW TEST - Which is better to copy - LINEAR or EXPONENTIAL raised cosine edges

an A / B test between Linear and Exponential QRQ CW audio tone waveformsWhich waveform do you think sounds best ?SETUP for this test: FLdigi is sending a text file at 71 wpm from TOM's famous article…Continue

Tags: morse code, raised cosine, QRQcw, qrq cw

Started by Chuck aa0hw Dec 8, 2017.

Tahrpup 6.0.6 live dvd remaster by i8cee full ham radio iCW for ever.....

Hi guys,my personal remaster of tahrpup  6.0.6 live cd now full ham radio software digital mode,  last qsstv , qtel(echolink),  wsjtx ft8 mode and of course iCW full working using fldigi keyboard,…Continue

Tags: software, digital

Started by i8cee -Salvatore Cecere Oct 27, 2017.

Get on the Air

I have enjoyed the recordings Chuck has made of the on the air QSOs of my fellow QRQ ops.Lets get more of you on the air with your keyboards. Many of us do not have internet connections that allow…Continue

Started by Joe Oct 10, 2017.

CW Code Sound plus Character Sound

======================= 00000000000000000000000 =====================I made all new files, this time .mp4 video files (punctuation and prosigns coming up). Added already.I hope these files help to…Continue

Started by Carlos (Kal) Lemmi Feb 5, 2017.

SDR online network

There is an interesting network of wideband receivers with close to 100 different sites that can be used for tuning the bands around the world.  HA7ILM,  András Retzler, operates a web site that…Continue

Started by Chuck Broadwell, W5UXH Dec 28, 2016.

QRQ on the Air 1 Reply

I have been keeping on the air skeds with some old masters of QRQ for a while. I would encourage anyone interested in QRQ to get on the air with a like minded soul. While I do use my mp3 files and…Continue

Started by Joe. Last reply by Rich Langford Nov 29, 2016.

CW Letter Groups 1 Reply

I made this list of 97 common letter groups as an aid for learning mind copying.I appreciate your comments.CW Letter Groups…Continue

Tags: learning-cw, cw-mind-reading

Started by Carlos (Kal) Lemmi. Last reply by Joe Nov 16, 2016.

Ben Russell, N6SL, SK

I have sad news. Ben Russell, N6SL, passed away last week after a short illness. Ben was a devoted CW operator and a member of this group. He and I kept a sked for many decades using our old…Continue

Started by Joe Jun 9, 2016.

Video with text display of QRQ QSO: W5UXH - K6KX 1 Reply

I made a screen recording of a qso to demonstrate the serial interface between keyer / decoder of my ChipKit / PIC32 keyer.  Both sides of the qso are displayed.  The keyer switches the text color to…Continue

Started by Chuck Broadwell, W5UXH. Last reply by Joe May 11, 2016.

Join the new skype group

https://join.skype.com/j0gEQRAWuRMgWe have created a skype group where we can chat about where to find a qrq cw fellow to chat with on the band…Continue

Started by Hjalmar Skovholm Hansen Feb 22, 2016.

QSK linear amps... 1 Reply

Hi,hope it is no off-topic so much...Does anybody know if PA1000 amplifier from Juma has fully working, smooth QSK able to operate at QRQ please?I will be happy for comments and experiences from…Continue

Started by Petr Ourednik. Last reply by Joe Jan 16, 2016.

HNY2016 from OK1RP

Hi all,I wish the best, healthy, happy and prosperous New Year 2016! See you on the air CW quite often... Best 73 to all friends.Petr, OK1RPContinue

Started by Petr Ourednik Jan 1, 2016.


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