brief demo of sending Midi CW over the internet to key midi input CW sine wave oscillator APPs; using a PRIVATE ZEROtier network where you don't have to port forward routers, but you do have to be an accepted, authorized member of the ZEROTier NETWORK that is being used more details of setting up
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on February 16, 2023 at 11:50am — No Comments
CW MAESTRO inside DOSBox-X seemed to work much better than using the native DOSBox app(for linux) the QRQ CW audio output was more stable using DOSBox-X(normal dosbox itself had lots of audio dropouts with the same settings) CW MAESTRO FULL VERSION by permission of CW MAESTRO creator/DEV available here for download(.7z file)…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on February 14, 2023 at 11:21am — No Comments
brief demo of a resonant CW SPEAKER setup using an ALUMINUM WOC LiD that the XYL was going to throw away...
and a forgotten 4 inch sub-woofer i purchased from RADIO SHACK back in the late 80s...
turns out the combo performed well as a RESONANT CW SPEAKER
and was much louder in…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on February 9, 2023 at 12:08pm — No Comments
Using just a Raspberry PI and the RECRI KEYER's software CW KEYBOARD
with the Pi's own native bcm2835 headphone output
This setup is QRQ fast from TYPING on the SCREEN and hearing the CW AUDIO SIDETONE from the pi4's headphone jack …
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on February 9, 2023 at 8:40am — 1 Comment
using the CW KEYBOARD that is already loaded up on a Raspberry Pi4 on the local network using ssh -X via Xquartz for the mac
ssh -X into the pi, bring up lxterminal, migrate to the CW KEYER software APP FOLDER bin, by…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on February 8, 2023 at 10:00am — No Comments
brief testing and comparing MP3 to OPUS from a CASTER.FM free online Radio Station setup and the iCW MUMBLE Server/client setup
a Raspberry Pi 4 is doing the transmitting to both MUMBLE INPUT and the RADIO STATION INPUT
unixCW is providing the APP to send repeating text files at different speeds and at…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on January 26, 2023 at 1:58pm — No Comments
This method uses 3Khz VLF RF CW over ip that is encrypted & stealth modulated
using MicroModulation methods to encode stealth, LiVE text messaging data onto an a VLF 3kHZ AM CARRIER wave .. can't see anything, or hear anything - sounds and looks like a 'dead' carrier wave with nothing on it...
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on January 18, 2023 at 1:55pm — No Comments
demo of using an iphone as a QRQ CW SonoBus Receiver - to choose & listen to multiple CW TEXT files(up to 18 different text files) being sent by unixCW's CW program from a pi4 'audio over WiFi' Transmitter NOTE: SonoBus, in MULTI-CHANNEL input mode, can send 18 different, individual audio sources at the same time, and the iphone sonobus…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on January 16, 2023 at 10:16am — No Comments
Python QRQ CW Radio Station Receiver - modified from this python script:
sending CW text files on continuous repeat using unixCW's CW program…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on January 14, 2023 at 9:43am — No Comments
Added by Chuck aa0hw on January 5, 2023 at 1:29pm — No Comments
TERMINAL COMMAND for sending a CW TEXT file with UNiXCW/cw program (continuous REPEAT)
while true; do (./cw -d hw:0,1,0 -f ur.txt -w 73 -k 48 -t 852 -v 100); sleep 1; done
for unixcw's CW audio output - this script uses the alsa loopback snd-aloop cable(hw:0,1,0) to receive it uses alsa_in -d hw:0,0,0…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on January 2, 2023 at 11:20am — 2 Comments demo of using LYSDR to demod 3 VLF frequencies at the same time using multiple instances of LYSDR and combing their demod'D audio outputs…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on December 26, 2022 at 11:13am — No Comments
QUiSK SDR with the help of unixCW, gSTREAMER & RECRI KEYER allows a unique way to practice your CW copy by EAR
SETUP: unixCW's CW program is sending the same text file at speeds below & just above, say...a current comfortable CW copy by ear speed... pick a text file and speed that is no longer than 10 to 15…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on December 25, 2022 at 10:26am — No Comments
uses FLdigi, Gstreamer and VIRTUAL AUDIO CABLEs the virtual audio cables take the CW AUDIO OUTPUT from FLdigi and send it to the OP's soundcard(for CW sidetone monitoring @ low latency) AND sends it over iP to the other CW OP(can use any audio codec via Gstreamer)
one Gstreamer SCRIPT does it all - grabs FLdigi's…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on December 24, 2022 at 1:39pm — No Comments
demo of setting up a pi4 to act as an RTSP virtual ham radio ionosphere SERVER that many OPs can connect to for QSO'n or just listening... this setup uses an i/q input above and below ZERO POINT by about 80 Khz worth of RF SPECTRUM - to gather together and QSO uses the gSTREAMER wavpack codec, and a gstreamer…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on December 17, 2022 at 2:09pm — 1 Comment
demo showing unixcw/CW sending 8 different CW Text files at 60 wpm to a pi4 QUISK SDR, using sonobus on the pi4 to send QUISK SDR demodulated output to the iphone sonobus// iphone using REALvnc to choose which pi4 QUISK SDR VLF SIGNAL to demod and listen to
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on December 17, 2022 at 10:10am — No Comments
brief demo using the sound card SDR modules from RECRI KEYER to downconvert 5 VLF CW signals from 16Khz to 20Khz converted/mixed down to CW audio at 700 hertz
Added by Chuck aa0hw on December 15, 2022 at 9:30am — No Comments
brief demo showing the REMOTE Pi4 VLF TRANSMITTER setup and a laptop soundcard SDR receiver using its own FERRITE LOOPSTICK ANTENNA to pick up the VLF signal from the remote PI's transmitter's loop antenna located in the other room
soundcard SDR modules are from RECRI KEYER…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on December 12, 2022 at 1:45pm — No Comments
demo uses TRIGGER MIDI MONO as a DE-Qer
TRIGGER MIDI MONO analyzes the input volume peaks of the HIGH Q CW elements then sends out a MIDI NOTE on/off message to a software midi input CW KEYER app like RECRI KEYER - (or…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on November 18, 2022 at 9:56am — No Comments
Easy. No downloads or accounts Simple to create, host and join a meeting. Attendees join from their browser. No app required. We never ask your attendees to create an account or give out details.…
ContinueAdded by Chuck aa0hw on November 16, 2022 at 8:27am — No Comments
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